There are several strategic steps to streamline your business’s digital transformation during the global pandemic. The Coronavirus pandemic is continuing to impact traditional business operations across the globe. With brick-and-mortar stores facing operational restrictions and most of the population staying at home, organizations are looking for creative ways to continue servicing their valuable customers. [Read more…] about How To Streamline Digital Transformation During The Global Pandemic
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Search Engine History
Nowadays we take the existence of search engines, especially Google (and Bing) as normal and for many among us a life without Google would be hard to imagine. Whether it is because they are not older than 20 yet and have grown up in a world dominated by technology and the internet, or because they are baby boomers, probably having taken out more than one credit loan over the last two decades.
Let’s face it: search engines are everywhere nowadays and have become an integral part of our life, invading our space ever more. Whether it is web surfing the web on your computer, browsing with your smartphone or even looking for directions online. Google and co. are the starting point for many users online. But how did it come this far and how did search engines evolve over the last two decades? We looked at the history of the crawlers and if you thought there was only Google, Yahoo and Bing this infographic will show you how wrong you are. For the internet nerds among us, let this infographic take you on a trip down memory lane.
Sadly the complexity and huge number of search engines made it impossible to include every single search engine available. Huge thanks to the awesome team at Infographiclabs for this analysis of the search engine history.
How to Encourage People to Read Your Blog Posts
This is a guest post by Phyllis Zimbler Miller,s co-founder of the social media marketing company, where she also writes a blog.
All bloggers share one main goal – having as many people as possible read the blog posts. Leaving aside search engine optimization, links from others blogs, etc., what is the number one way to encourage people to read blog posts?
Make reading those posts as easy as possible, which isn’t always as automatic as it sounds.
The truth is that bloggers are often unaware that their posts need to be served up with elements that encourage people to actually read the posts.
Here are recommended steps on which elements should be used to encourage people to read your blog posts:
Step 1: Make the font size large
No matter what a website design book says about how big the font size should be, you should choose a font size that is easily readable.
I once had trouble reading the content on someone’s blog and politely emailed the site owner suggesting larger type. I got a nasty reply saying that 11 to 12 pt. type was recommended and her type was 11 pt. and it was fine.
In truth, what is fine is font size that is easily readable, not a size that a reader has to work to read. [Read more…] about How to Encourage People to Read Your Blog Posts
Blast From The Past – Monetization
Monetization sure is a popular topic, one that Performancing has covered time and time again with awesome in depth information. Today, we’ll take a trip to the past to rediscover this great content to help you monetize your site or perhaps, spring to life some new ideas.
- How to create Intelligent Blog Ads – Chris Garrett
If you want to squeeze every last drop of revenue potential out of your blog without annoying your loyal visitors then you need to be a bit clever about the way you display advertising.
- How to create Intelligent Blog Ads – Part 2 – Chris Garrett
What can we do about recognising first-time readers versus regular readers? The idea is a first timer is more likely to click ads and less likely to sign up, while a regular reader is more likely to subscribe to your feed and also more likely to get annoyed by over the top advertising.
- How to add E-Commerce to your blog – Chris Garrett
So you want to sell products directly from your blog? We have already decided it could be a great idea for creating revenue, let’s take a look at how exactly we add ecommerce capability to your blog.
- Monetizing through packaged content – Chris Garrett
Aside from the community aspects of blogs one thing blogs generate is a lot of content. While most bloggers will at least consider advertising to generate revenue, are you missing a trick by not packaging and selling your information as a product?
- Make money blogging via paid subscriptions – Andy Hagans
Yes, you can make money by charging for some of your content.
- Monetizing your Blog Archives – Nick Wilson
Using time-sensitive advertising to profit from blog archives.
- Affiliate Tips for Bloggers – Chris Garrett
10 excellent tips to get you started on affiliate marketing.
- Supplement your blogging income with e-reports – Raj Dash
If your topics are timeless, over 3-10 years you may earn some nice returns for 10-20 hours of work per month. So in the second year, you’ll have sales of new reports and older reports. In a couple of years, you could very well commit full-time and not have to rely on contextual advertising.
- How To: Create Intelligent Amazon Associates Ads – Chris Garrett
Using a bit of PHP programming, geo-targeting and creative solutions, you can maximize your affiliate earnings.
- How To Squeeze More Income Out Of Your Blog – Ryan Caldwell
The basic way to monetize your site is through a couple of ads on it, but if you plan things ahead and think in terms of monetizable ‘regions’ and ‘sections’ instead of one ‘blog’, it will change things completely.
21 Ways to Build a Better Blogger
When we talk about ‘creating’ better blogs, there’s an underlying assumption that it’s only the blog that needs improving.
The reality is, us bloggers could use a huge kick up the ass once in a while as well. We get sloppy, we sometimes let our standards slide and worst of all, when it comes to making improvements we look at external factors, not ourselves.
Last month I started compiling a list of ‘strategies’ to improve my own blogging – I’m sharing that list here. We can’t become better bloggers overnight – it takes a lot of hard work, just like a blog – but like working on a blog, the best results are achieved when you stick to it and work at it for a long time.
1. Create a Commitment to your Blog – and then keep it
In simple terms: right now, someone else who is just as smart as you is working hard to get their blog to the top. They’re committed to the vision they’ve set for their blog, and they’re doing whatever it takes to make it a reality.
The big question is, why aren’t you?
Find that one target for your blog that you are willing to work the most for, and then get busy doing it.
2. Focus on the Conversation on your Blog
Blogging is a one-to-many medium, but smart bloggers know who to turn it into an active group conversation between the readers and themselves. This requires the ability to communicate effectively – and it’s something that us bloggers can train ourselves to do better.
If you want to engage your readers and improve the conversation on your blog, you have to a) be clear, b) refocus your attention towards the audience and c) become credible.
3. Don’t Settle For Being Good Enough
If you’re a good writer (and a good communicator), you should be able to talk the talk when it comes to blogging about a particular subject.
But can you walk the walk? For a blogger dealing with subjects that involve practical application (self help, any skills-based area (SEO, web design, wood-working, photography, fitness, self defense, etc), competence in your chosen field goes a long way in establishing your credibility.
4. Love Your Blog, Love Your Blogging
A blogger’s passion for his subject and his blog shines through his writing. If you have passion, your words will carry conviction, your ideas will be persuasive and you will come across as someone who cares about his work. Without passion it’s quite hard to maintain the drive and energy needed to work on a blog day in and day out (not all of us are blessed with god-like self-discipline).
And if you’ve lost your passion one day (it happens to the best of us), here’s how (and why) you can continue blogging without losing your step.
5. Be Positive and Trust Yourself
Blogging is a tough gig. It takes a lot of time and hard work to be successful and if that wasn’t enough to make you glum, there is always a snarky commenter or two (or hundreds) lurking around who have little else to do but send negative thoughts your way.
It’s easy to throw in the towel when the going gets tough, however if you approach blogging with the knowledge that a) it will be tough and b) your reaction to problems (and therefore the likelihood that those problems will be solved) will depend on your attitude, it becomes clear that you have to stay positive.
Successful people don’t get to where they are by accepting defeat when they get knocked down. Dust yourself off, get back up and go at it again. It sounds a bit cheesy, yes, but as long as you believe in what you’re doing and believe in your own ability to make your blog a success, you’ll do fine.
6. Problem Solving
There are two kinds of people – those who deal with their problems and those who use them as an excuse not to move ahead in their lives.
This doesn’t mean that you turn into a robot – in fact I would strongly recommend having channels / avenues through which you can vent about your problems. It helps to clear your head and to focus on the solutions instead of your emotional reaction to it.
However, if you’re not dealing with your blogging problems intelligently, you’re just holding yourself (and your blog) back from it’s true potential. Find a solution, outsource it if you have to but fix it if it’s important (and stop worrying if its not).
7. Take More Risks
Part of the philosophy of giving a project your 100% every day is that you are always pushing for improvements. At one time or the other, this push will require you to take risks, and it is at this point in time that you will feel the most resistance, when you will find it most difficult to ‘bring your A-game’ to the table.
Look at your blog and your blogging efforts and pinpoint the risks that you’ve been avoiding for the last few weeks or even months. Pick one of these risks, discuss the options with your friends and family (or people who know your business) and if it’s the right thing, do it.
8. Learn the Art of Self-Promotion
Self-Promotion is something most of us are uncomfortable with – and it’s not just the prospect of ‘selling’ that turns us off, in reality its insecurity (cleverly dressed as modesty) that holds us back.
As a blogger – whether you want to promote your own services or you’re promoting your blog – you have to learn to blow your own horn. No one else will be doing that for you, so celebrate your success (small or big), talk up your achievements and put yourself firmly in the minds of your readers (and anyone else who wants to listen).
9. Sharpen Your Focus
You’ve heard many bloggers talk about how you should ‘focus’ on a few key projects. Trouble is, not everyone intuitively knows exactly how to turn that ‘focus’ knob up to 100%, and even if you know how to do that, what do you focus on?
The two keys to having a clear focus in your blogging are ‘priorities’ and ‘concentration’. If you have priorities but no concentration (like me), you’ll know what to do but never get anything done because you’ll get distracted all the time. On the other hand, if you have concentration but no clear grasp of your priorities, you will be excellent in something but won’t make much progress (because you’ll be focusing on the wrong things).
10. Instill Character In Your Blog
Character in a blog means:
- Delivering on what you promise
- Doing what you do to the best of your ability
- Staying true to your purpose in face of adversity or success
You don’t build a successful blog by copying the top bloggers on what they’re doing right now – you look at what they did at the start, what type of ‘foundational work’ they did to reach this level.
Getting the foundations of your blog and removing the cracks in it should be your first and foremost responsibility – everything else flows from that.
11. Adopt Othermindedness to be more Charismatic
The four steps to being more charismatic on your blog:
- Be Passionate and Positive
- Expect the Best of People
- Give People Hope
- Share Yourself
When it comes to being charismatic, the bottom line is othermindedness.
12. Give More to Get More
If you’ve read “Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion” by Robert Cialdini (highly recommended), you’ll know that ‘Reciprocity’ is one of the six key ways to influence people (the others are: Commitment / Consistency, Social Proof, Liking, Authority and Scarcity). When you give first, you create a subconscious debt on the other person’s conscience which they will feel the need to repay or risk suffering from guilt. It’s how we are socially wired.
What we’re NOT socially wired to do is to give first and ask later – in fact, we’re selfish (like it or not) and do exactly the opposite. If you want to succeed as a blogger, want to grow your blog and want to do both of these things super-fast, bite the bullet and invest in your future. The relationships you build as a result, with your readers and your friends, will be the foundation for your rapid growth in the future.
13. Go For Broke
They say that “good things come to those who wait” – and while I value patience, it has its place and it is often a convenient rationalisation for people who are afraid to take risks. There are times when you have to grab the bull by the horns and attack an opportunity with full strength.
In simple terms…you can’t wait for opportunities to knock on your door. You have to put yourself out there, put your blog out there, and make sure that you’re first in line when any opportunity comes up. You’ll take risks. You’ll make mistakes. But you’ll be much better off at the end of it than when you started, which is where you would have stayed stuck if you hadn’t moved in the first place.
14. Learn the Art of Listening
As bloggers our job is to talk – we talk to our readers, we talk to advertisers, we talk to our employees, we talk smack with competitors – it’s pretty much a full-time talking job, blogging.
However, in all this talking we need to find the time to shut up and listen to the people around us – to learn what they want, to learn from their suggestions, criticisms and support, and to spot ideas in what they do and say. Listening to others (and more importantly, to the right people) gives you the kind of knowledge few people can hope to attain, and with that comes the ability to do make a genuine difference in your own life and that of others.
15. Build Relationships
We all know that it’s important to build relationships as bloggers but do you do it unconsciously or do you take out time each day to dedicate to networking?
Some of us are naturally better networkers than others. For the rest of us, it would be advisable to take out time every day and spend it on networking. Whether you do your relationship-building through forums, social networks or person to person, it’s important that you take out at least an hour a day for it.
Like almost everything else in blogging, it won’t pay off immediately but once you’ve been doing it for some time the results will bring in many blogging and money-making opportunities and you’ll start getting a lot of help in your blogging efforts.
16. Learn Your Trade
We’re not talking about being competent in your area of interest; learn your trade as a blogger. You don’t have to be a crack designer but you need to know basic design principles and understand aesthetics. You don’t have to be a WordPress guru but it pays to understand how themes and plugins work and how you could work with them in a cinch.
Monetization, SEO, networking – learn the skills and tools of your blogging trade, and you’ll invariably improve as a blogger.
17. Vision
A top blogger without vision is like a top athlete running at full speed backwards on the track. He may be the fastest (and you may be the best at what you do), but if he doesn’t know what his prime objective is, he’ll keep going in circles.
The same goes for you as a blogger. Define your vision, understand it and integrate it in your life – you need to know where you are going, and you need to keep it in mind whenever you work on your blog.
18. Know When to Stick or Fold
Sticking to your guns (self-confidence) and working hard on a project when the going gets tough are admirable traits, and worth cultivating. However, as a blogger you must also know when to cut your losses and move on.
Your decision may be based on your financial situation, the amount of time you have available, new opportunities knocking on the door, etc. Whatever you base your decisions on, don’t base them on your emotional attachment to a blog, or your ego which tells you that you can do everything at same time.
19. Stop Controlling Everything
If you’re really good at what you do (writing, monetization, design, SEO, etc), you might get stuck in a pattern of trying to do everything yourself.
As a pro blogger, you don’t have the time to handle all the writing, the design, the research, the promotion and administration of your blog yourself. Outsource as much as you can (you can always outsource your blogging chores for free), hire help so you can get more work done.
20. Patience
What you’re working on now will not pay off tomorrow but in a few months. What you accomplish this month will pay you back 10x in one year.
The effect of cumulative growth is stunning, but to reap the full benefits you have to be (you guessed it) patient.
This doesn’t mean that you should sit back and wait – no, patience here means being patient with results, not with your efforts (you should still be going for broke).
21. Have Fun
The good thing about self employment is that you can choose to have fun on your own time, on your own terms. Take time off from your blog (not too much time!), change the pace on your blog (write something light hearted once in a while) and most importantly, if you find yourself thinking that your blogging is a chore, step back and re-evaluate what you are doing.
Bonus #1: Self Discipline
You’re not going to last a day as a professional blogger if you cannot discipline yourself to practice new habits and improve your blogging consistently.
Bonus #2: Balance
Blogging is fun and games sometimes but that doesn’t mean that you throw away all that you’ve earned and accomplished in the name of fun.
Find balance in your blogging – from varying the depth of your articles to dividing time between blogging and promoting to finding some personal time in all the blogging mayhem (take Sundays off, for example).
You’re not going to read this list and become a better blogger overnight – it takes time and commitment, and it works best if you take one strategy at a time and apply it purposefully in your life until you have mastered it.
3 Ways to Immediately Increase Search Engine Traffic
Amongst the commercial blogosphere there is huge interest in the dark, and mysterious art of SEO, or Search Engine Optimization. There shouldn’t be. Not because paying attention to Search traffic is bad, or that wanting to rank higher in Google is evil, simply because it’s not rocket science, and anyone can do it. Even you.
If you want get more traffic from Search engines, this post is for you. Read on….
The Big SEO Secret: It’s Easy
Before we get to the list, (I don’t mind if you scroll, but this next bit is important too…) let me explain what i mean by “it isn’t rocket science”: Manipulating Search engine rankings for sites that naturally find it difficult to get incoming links and attention, say affilate sites, many ecommerce type operations and much of the web1.0 shopping experience sites is very hard, and it takes a lot of skill and knowledge to achieve.
It’s become harder and harder over the last few years to game Google, and many SEO’s are now wondering if it’s time to give up trying to “manipulate” G results and simply start feeding Google more of what it wants — the unfortunate result of which is a huge increase in workload, namely copywriting and Linkbaiting.
That’s the thing most SEO’s won’t want to tell their clients. That there is no magic wand, mystical powers or Search engine hoo joo to be had anymore, it’s all down to 3 things:
- Copywriting
- Links and
- Networking
That’s not to say those tasks don’t require skill, but it really is that simple.
I’ll give you a full checklist in just a minute…
Avoid the Snake Oil Merchants
There are still die hard SEO’s out there that spend all their time trying to game the system, but most of them are pretty shit at it, only a very few have enough resources to manage it. There are also, a whole slew of con merchants masquerading as SEO’s, just as there are fake designers in the web design field, basing their credentials on the fact that they’ve read a few articles, or bought a keyword tracking tool.
These people are idiots, and should be avoided at all costs.
At the end of this article I’ll point you in the direction of a few quality resources for further reading.
3 Ways to Immediately Increase Search Engine Traffic
Now you’ve patiently read though all of the above, or impatiently skimmed to the bottom, it’s time to get into this list.
1. Write Better, More Specific Copy and Linkbait
Good copywriting encompasses many things, titles, subject matter, the post and url’s to name the most important. It also goes hand in hand with The Art of Linkbaiting. Here’s a checklist for more search engine friendly copy:
Title’s are everything.
- Titles should be short, snappy, and attention grabbing – think about how you skim through your RSS reader every day, and bear that in mind when writing titles.
- Preferably, title’s should contain keywords related to your topic — that should come naturally, if you have to jam them in there, its either a bad title, bad copy, or you’re a lunatic.
- If your blog software writes titles like this: My Blog Title | My Post Title, you need to change them to this: My Post Title – My Blog Title. Many people will tell you it’s even better to ditch the “My Blog Title” bit all together, in order to not dillute the important keywords in the title, but they’re forgetting the importance of branding, and with blogs, establishing some brand recognition goes a long way toward gaining links and attention.
- Titles are akin to advertising, and the best ones make promises, and deliver
By far the best resource out there for blog titles is Brian Clark’s Magnetic Headlines series of posts on the excellent Copy Blogger site.
Body Copy
There’s been much written, both online and off about copywriting, and as a writer of small talent, it’s not for me to get into the in-depth details of it. I am good at linkbaiting though, and am constantly studying what kind of post are being linked on, Digg and other “link sites”.
It’s the much discussed art of linkbaiting that this post will focus on. Remember, we’re talking about getting search engine traffic right? Here’s a checklist for writing good linkbait (we’ll discuss why links are important a little further down).
- Study the popular bookmarks on to get a feel for what people are linking to
- Such things as HowTo’s and Lists are always good fodder for linkbait and you should be aiming to get onto those pages by writing appropriate copy. (you want to be there, because being there will gain you links, and links = traffic, more on that soon…).
- Use html lists, headlines and other visual means of breaking up posts in order to make them easier to read and skim
- Link out, link often and link generously — Really, forget any rubbish you may have heard about depleting page rank, or any concerns you have over sending away traffic, and work on providing links to great resources your readers will love — they’ll thank you for it, and link to you for it.
- Fight bloggers block by getting inventive, and doing some research.
Some of the best blog specific resources for copy writing, and linkbaiting are:
2. Make it Easy for People to Link to You
All of the above tips on writing more attractive, useful and linkable copy are geared to two things:
- Providing what your readers want
- Gaining links
Links are the currency with which one trades on the web, the lingua franca of the internet and key to ranking, and traffic. Hint: They’re really, really important ok?
Essentially, you’re looking for this:
- Links coming to your posts, from many different sources
- Links preferably have relevant keywords in the text used to make the link and again preferably come from sites on a similar topic
- Links from trusted, authoritative sites
Apart from writing great linkable copy, there are a few things you can do to make sure that your posts get linked, and hence ranked aswell as get more bang for your buck per link.
- Encourage readers to submit your posts to Digg and, or more specific link sites depending on your subject matter. Those categories in for example, are exported by users to their own blogs (targeted, keyworded link text = good), and they often kick off a knock on effect [pdf] that can have wild implications for your Search traffic.
- There are varios widgets for most blog software to do the above for you, just have a search through your blog softwares list of plugins.
- Where possible, make sure your urls contain your keywords. Contrary to popular opinion, this is not because Search engines pay particularly more attention to urls with keywods, but because people often just paste urls into comments, blog posts and forums where they are automatically linked by the software. Those links, contain the keywords, and it’s keywords in links, from authoratitive, trusted sites, that are what we want.
- Place a “link to this post” widget on your blogs templates
- Ask other bloggers in your niche for links — but don’t make a pest of yourself, nobody likes to be hassled, and some people turn down link requests on general principle (me for example..). See Trisha’s thread in the Performancing forums on link exchanges for a lively discussion on the merits of the dreaded link exchange. — My personal advice is dont bother, do the other things listed here and all of it will fall into place.
- Network like crazy, see below…
Although there are lots of posts out there on links, I couldn’t find much that would add value to what i’ve written above. If you have resources to share, please post them in the comments.
3. Networking, the Unsung Hero of Blog SEO
You read little about networking in this context. Many bloggers into SEO are facinated with the technicalities, despite it being a very simple thing to do and thus miss one of the biggest opportunities to gain links, readers, and traffic.
Done right, a well built network of contacts, friends and like-minded bloggers can seriously help you get the link love you need, both directly and indirectly. Here are a few tips and resources for working your network for better Search traffic:
- Read Chris Garrett’s Networking for Blog Success
- Comment and participate on blogs within your niche — Get to know the people around you
- Email with them, LINK to them, they’ll reciprocate, trust me.
- Expand outside of blogs — find forums, newsletters and groups in your topic
- Use social bookmarking sites to discover related topics (see right hand side) and hence expand your groups, newsletters, forums and blogs search even further
- Above all: Be generous. If you respect your network, and work hard to be part of the community surounding your topic, the rewards can really pay of — never abuse it, it tends ot backfire in all kinds of horrible ways.
4. Bonus Tip
There’s always a bonus tip, didn’t you know?
If you’re really set on learning more, more than my overview here — and if i really can’t dissuade you from getting caught up in what i consider a massive waste of time for the majority of bloggers (technical seo) then at least pay attention to the right people 🙂 Here’s a list of my favorite, and most authoratitive SEO blogs:
- Graywolfs SEO Blog
- Search Engine Watch
- Aaron Wall’s
- Greg Boser’s WebGuerrilla
- Matt Cutts – Google
- Jill Whalens HighRankings Forum
- Aaron Wall’s
- Digital Point Forums
- Loren Baker’s Search Engine Journal
- Todd Malicoat’s
The Art of Linkbaiting
Ever found it hard to get other bloggers to link to a new blog? Sure you have, it’s not easy sometimes. Even established blogs need to expand their traffic and influence on a regular basis, and linkbaiting is one way to do it. It’s not without potential perils, but the time honored tradition of being contrary, in order to get attention is well proved, and done right, it’s a killer way to break into a new area. There are also safer ways of linkbaitng, they’re just less fun 🙂
In order to bait a link, you need a hook. Hooks come in variety of flavors, some of the more popular would include:
- News hook
- Contrary Hook
- Attack Hook
- Resource Hook
- Humour Hook
There are others, but you see the point. There are two main types of hook in there, the nice hook, and the nasty hook. I’d say in most cases you can get away with a contrarian viewpoint, but not an attack. No one likes an arsehole, so there’s no real benefit, as sure you may get a ton of links from outraged blog peers, but they’ll likely ignore anything else you write.
Saying that though, it’s a judgement call. I’ve often slammed someone on a blog, but you need to be able to judge it very well. Go just a little too far, and you’ll do more harm than good.
The easiest, and safest is the nice hook. And when i say easy, i mean it. Have a look at some examples of each type of hook i’ve listed:
Resource Hook
- A comprehensive list of blogs in your niche – link out, and links will come in, i promise.
- A practical/useful or even fun tool related to your niche
- A How To based on your niche
- A compilation of news stories on a theme. Sprinkle a little analysis in there, and you’re good to go.
News Hook
- A genuine Scoop. Get to the news first
- A compilation of news, as above, its a resource aswell as a news hook.
- Expose a story for a fraud, or to be flawed. You really have to know your subject to do that, but links flow like water if you can debunk a popular meme
Contrary Hook
- Be the only one in your niche to find something to not like about a story, or like about a story/product.
- On the same theme, post “Why <insert prominent blogger name here> is WRONG about…”
Attack Hook
This works much the same as the contrary hook, you just get to be much, much ruder. It’s a tough one, because just posting about such a thing could land me in hot water. But then im not here to play nice, i’m here to talk about gaining traffic, and whilst an attack hook is 99/100 NOT the way to go, sometimes it’s absolutely killer, and can gain you credibility and reputation overnight.
Really though, careful with that one. It can just as easily go the wrong way.
Humor Hook
These kinds of hooks are just too easy.
- Search flickr, or photoshop a bizzare pic of your subject
- Post “10 thing i hate about…”
- Post “You know you’re a <insert here> when…”
Funny thing is, those things always get links, it’s like people never seem to tire of them.
Give and thou wilt receive…
All of the above is utterly useless without being seen by your peers though. Link to them in your post, then click those links if you have absolutely no traffic. You need to get their initial attention.
Send emails, post to delicious, myweb2 etc – just make sure that at least one prominent blogger in your niche reads and links to you and the rest will follow.
Now, what i want to hear is this: What other types of link bait do you use?
3 Steps For Writing Good Blog Posts
Thord (he of Swedish descent and bearing a reputation for ‘crack’ design skills) writes about the two most important skills a blogger can have.
#2 is knowing how to blow your own horn (‘toot’ is so politically correct it gives me a shiver). Thord discusses it in some detail, and I like this part best:
Some of us have some kind of roadblock built in that stops us from promoting ourselves. Get over it. Or get run over.
The #1 skill Thord talks about is knowing how to write good blog posts. Seeing as how T left the door open there, here’s my two (or three) cents on how one may go about writing ‘good’ blog posts.
Like all good 3 step lists, this one is a model of simplicity:
- Define what ‘good’ is – use concrete measurements instead of an arbitrary feel-good factor
- Learn how to achieve the results defined above
- Execute (and then some).
If it was as easy as writing it above, no blog consultant would have a job. As things stand, there’s a lot more to it under the surface although as I’ve discussed below, once you internalise this formula (or you start writing for a blog that gets tons of traffic) it becomes effortless.
So let’s get started with step 1 – defining what a ‘good’ blog post is.
Step 1: Set Standards for ‘Good’ Blog Posts
‘Good’ is an arbitrary, unclear objective. One man’s ‘good’ is another man’s masterpiece, while the rest of the population may consider it absolutely crap. You need a precise measurement of what a good blog post is, and for this you will need to know your blog’s key objectives (and your role in achieving them).
Different blogs measure success in different ways. An established celeb gossip blogger would judge success in terms of sheer traffic / long-term search rankings a post brings. A budding car blogger could measure success in terms of the links a post gets. Someone writing on a sports blog geared towards building a strong community could measure success in terms of the # of comments each article generates.
And while we’re at it, there’s also a difference in scale – Seth Godin receives a minimum of 10-20 links for each post that he writes. His baseline for a ‘good’ post would be far higher than for the owner of a newly-launched blog who’d consider 5 links to be a home run.
If you own your blog, then you’re likely to have several different objectives that define success. Comments, Traffic / Pageviews, Links, RSS Subscriptions and Search Rankings are the most common, but you may have something different based on your specific situation. It’s a good thing to have different objectives – it gives you space to write different types of posts and be successful as opposed to doing the same thing over and over again.
If you are blogging for hire / guest blogging, you will most likely have a brief or some instructions on what the blog owner wants from you (you should ask if you’re not told). For example, for one of my blogs I tell my writers that they have to meet one of 3 objectives with each post – get X number of comments, Y amount of traffic or Z number of links.
Set out your stall in terms of the objectives you want to reach, and then attach concrete values on them. You can get a good idea for what values to use if you look at your blog’s recent history and pick out the most successful posts (according to different objectives). For a new blog, you’ll probably have to set a conservative number and then readjust as you go along.
Step 2: Learn How To Achieve Each Objective
Do you know how to get more comments to your posts? Do you know how to write posts that attract links?
This step is perhaps the easiest of all 3. There is tons and TONS of blogging advice on the Internet (the fastest way to get started is to head over to the Best of Performancing page), it’s only a matter of finding the right information and using it.
Want more RSS subscribers? Got them here and here. Want better search engine rankings? Got that too.
For any objective that you set yourself in Step 1, you’re likely to find quality, executable advice for achieving that objective on the Internet. And here’s an open offer – if you don’t find it on the Best of Performancing page or by searching through Google, drop a line in the comments and I’ll hunt it down (or write it up) for you.
Step 3: Follow the Formula
In Step 1, you defined your goals. In Step 2, you figured out how to get there. Now all you have to do is connect the dots. It’s as easy as it sounds, but there are a few things you should be aware of at the start:
- A good blog post is mediocre on a poor blog, fabulous on a good blog. Learn how to build a kick-ass blog.
- You’ll probably need to revise the targets set in Step 1 soon after starting on this path. That’s ok, don’t fret – if you’re going in the right direction, you’ll only be revising them upwards.
- Being a good blogger means building a skill-set. Build your skills, and you’ll have less difficulty in writing good blog posts.
- You’ll probably fail miserably in the beginning, or hit a home run and then tank. Whenever you hit your first ‘valley’, don’t give up – that valley is designed by nature to weed out 90% of the ‘cant-hack-it’ folks from the mix. Once you’re able to push through and rise again, you’ll not only be a better blogger but you’ll also be better than most (90%+) other bloggers out there.
- Sometimes the hardest thing to do is to follow the rules. In this case, following the formula works for a reason. Innovate if you have room for error, play it safe when you don’t (unless you’re feeling lucky 🙂 )
So there you have it. Three simple steps to write ‘good’ blog posts. These require some work at the start but once you’ve internalised Step 2 (through practice, experience, research and judicious use of bookmarks), it’s simply a matter of picking a target and applying the formula.
At this stage, you might say:
“Ok, so I know how to do all this, but what do I write about?”
Well, I’ve got you covered there as well.
What Do I Write About?
Here are a list of posts that I feel can solve any and all of your blogger’s block problems. Seriously.
- 10 Killer Post Ideas
- Finding and Writing Fresh Blog Content
- Blog Pulling Power – Create Flagship Content
- How to Beat the Blank Page of Doom
- How to Turn Link Posts into Linkbait
- 11 Reasons to Write When You’ve Misplaced Your Passion
- 3 Ways to Engineer Good Content
- 12 Tips for Battling Blogger’s Block
- 100 Blog Topics I Hope You Write
And since we’re talking about setting objectives and meeting them, I’d appreciate it if you guys could bookmark this post in or give it a good Stumble. Thank you.