How To Streamline Digital Transformation During The Global Pandemic

There are several strategic steps to streamline your business’s digital transformation during the global pandemic. The Coronavirus pandemic is continuing to impact traditional business operations across the globe. With brick-and-mortar stores facing operational restrictions and most of the population staying at home, organizations are looking for creative ways to continue servicing their valuable customers.

Many brick-and-mortar businesses have already begun the digital transformation process to remain competitive and expand into new markets. Even if you have already begun the process, there are several critical steps to accelerate and improve your online operations. When properly performed, digital transformation is not about technology. Instead, it is directly related to your management ability, staff morale, and team productivity. Read on to learn how to streamline your business’s digital transformation during the global pandemic.

Listen To Your Employees

The first step to streamline your digital transformation is to constantly listen to your employees. Your staff is a core asset to the daily success of your business. As you prepare to digitize many of your essential operations, you need to prioritize the satisfaction, morale, and productivity of your team. Listening to your staff is essential for addressing the challenges of remote working arrangements. It is essential to provide your employees with sufficient tools, technology, and resources to succeed in the workplace. With more employees working remotely during the global pandemic, take the time to listen to your employees even more than usual. Identify ways that you can improve their productivity at home, engage staff members, and provide tangible benefits.

Integrate Time Tracking Solutions

To streamline your digital transformation amidst COVID-19, you need to integrate powerful scheduling systems. As more teams transition to working from home, building weekly schedules, managing breaks, and monitoring time-off requests has become incredibly complex. Digital time tracking solutions help you schedule your entire team in minutes. With Deputy’s scheduling system, you can build employee timesheets in minutes, share them instantly with your team, and ensure that you are never short-staffed. When properly integrated, these tools help you control costs with real-time data on wages, sales, and hours. Simultaneously, advanced resources deliver auto-scheduling options to help you build Artificial Intelligence optimized timesheets with a single click.

Grow Your Digital Audience

As you prepare to move your business’s operations online, you need to strategically grow your digital audience. Growing your digital audience is essential for doing business in the next normal. Even if your business already has a loyal, local following, you need to consistently look for ways to expand and grow your digital followers. Transitioning into the digital realm, you can service clients from all across the globe. Deploy proven social media, digital, and content marketing strategies in order to effectively grow your business overall exposure. Preparing high-quality articles, social media posts, blog content, audio, and videos, you can significantly improve your customer awareness, recognition, and following.

Start Selling Online

Once you have established your digital presence, you need to start selling online to remain competitive amidst COVID-19. If your business provides products that you are able to sell, market, package, and distribute online, it is essential to begin looking for ways to start selling them digitally. The global pandemic has caused online eCommerce sales to surge in recent periods. One of the most common methods is to start with a website. Set up a simple online store to market your company’s products or services. If you already own a popular website, install reliable eCommerce plugins and checkout buttons to inform your digital users of your newly added store features. Then, you can begin selling your products on as many channels as possible.

Improve Your Digital Customer Support

To streamline your business’s digital transformation amidst the Coronavirus pandemic, you need to strategically improve your customer service. Strong customer service interactions are essential to keep your shoppers coming back. As you move online, prepare your staff for questions regarding conversion rates, international sales, and shipping options. At the same time, your team should remain well versed in pricing, product specifications, returns, defects, and damages. Often times, your customer service representatives can be your best brand ambassadors. Without a strong, helpful customer service department, you risk receiving negative reviews, reduced sales, and harmful word of mouth advertising.

There are several strategic steps to streamline your company’s digital transformation during the global pandemic. The first step to streamline your digital transformation is to constantly listen to your employees. In addition, you need to integrate powerful scheduling systems. At the same time, you need to strategically grow your digital audience. Moreover, you need to start selling online to remain competitive amidst COVID-19. Furthermore, you need to strategically improve your customer support. The above points will help you streamline your business’s digital transformation during the global pandemic.