A modern day web marketer needs a multitude of skills and to be able to wear ‘many different hats’ so that they can compete effectively within the industry. To get the most out of all these different skill sets without getting bogged down in specific tasks often requires the right tools. Luckily the SaaS industry has been growing significantly in the last few years and there are already a multitude of tools built specifically for web and digital marketers out there, however it can often seem daunting when faced with so many different tools, so here is a breakdown of 8 of the most crucial ones that you should be using this year. [Read more…] about 8 Tools Web Marketers Need In Their Toolbelt in 2016
Just a simple post
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Sed venenatis dignissim ultrices. Suspendisse ut sollicitudin nisi. Fusce efficitur nec nunc nec bibendum. Praesent laoreet tortor quis velit facilisis faucibus. Maecenas sollicitudin lectus diam, non vehicula arcu ullamcorper ac. In pharetra, est vitae interdum tincidunt, urna ligula rutrum tellus, sit amet pharetra purus magna eu enim. Sed iaculis imperdiet nisi, et pulvinar mauris gravida maximus. Phasellus vitae lorem at sem mattis volutpat. In eget dictum dui. Quisque nec sapien at massa mattis semper. Ut ac malesuada turpis. Fusce eu nulla vehicula, tincidunt dui ultrices, fermentum felis. Aliquam lectus nisi, feugiat ut aliquet sed, posuere sed libero.
Pellentesque consectetur massa nec nulla fermentum, at tincidunt elit volutpat. Duis vulputate placerat tortor, sit amet eleifend mauris tincidunt sit amet. Aliquam a maximus ligula. Phasellus nec sapien sed tellus tempor eleifend id a erat. Donec convallis bibendum posuere. Quisque mollis imperdiet malesuada. Suspendisse eget dictum massa.
Phasellus ac posuere nibh, in finibus nulla. In diam arcu, luctus sit amet condimentum sit amet, tristique et leo. Sed tincidunt justo a porttitor tristique. Nulla eu metus tincidunt, ornare magna ullamcorper, semper lacus. Quisque vitae porttitor odio, id tincidunt tellus. Fusce a suscipit eros. Proin sit amet risus fermentum, lobortis quam sed, consequat velit. Quisque sit amet ultricies lorem. Phasellus scelerisque ipsum eget ipsum posuere suscipit. Proin id molestie mauris, a venenatis ipsum. Quisque efficitur, nibh a dapibus mollis, metus tortor fermentum ante, non pellentesque mi magna non leo. Integer quis sem hendrerit, euismod dolor id, dapibus nulla. Maecenas non ultrices lorem. Pellentesque lobortis, diam eget feugiat lacinia, ante augue ullamcorper tortor, vel ornare sapien lacus pharetra quam.
Benefits of Data Masking
Many innovations in the modern day and age are a necessity rather than a preferred choice. Data masking is one such innovation. Thrust upon us by the increase in technology and the concomitant reduction in barriers to the theft of data as well as expansion in regulation of industry in general, data masking has become a compulsory part of virtually every business that works with sensitive data and non-production databases.
Data masking goes by many names, such as data obfuscation, data scrambling, data cleansing, and data anonymization. And although the names may be different, the purpose is the same – to keep private data just that; private. Working from the premise that prevention is better than cure, data masking provides protection against the potentially business destroying act of having your data compromised. [Read more…] about Benefits of Data Masking
Top 5 Plugins to Backup WordPress Site to Cloud Storage

With sharp rise in the online business competition, nearly every company either smaller or larger needs a platform on the internet. Internet has brought some sort of revolution for the business establishments and many of them have got WordPress websites to market the services, products and solutions. WordPress is considered as the topmost and greatly reputed tool to create your blogs and its CMS services have attracted millions of websites till date. Backing up your website or blog periodically is the need of the hour and you will simply require some elegant tools and plugins that might help in accomplishing this task. The tools mentioned below are of external type and it indicates that bloggers and website owners will have to back the site manually. [Read more…] about Top 5 Plugins to Backup WordPress Site to Cloud Storage
Top 5 Available Open Source eCommerce CMS
When you discuss about online life and PHP development, having an efficient and reliable Content Management System is becoming more of a need than an option today. We all make use of content management systems for managing various contents online like news articles, blogs, manuals, sales guides and marketing brochures, blogging, building and maintaining websites, selling and marketing products online, etc. Most of them are based on the PHP language and many use ASP.Net to do the job. CMS’s like WordPress, Joomla, etc. can also be used effectively for eCommerce purposes as there are excellent Plugins for you to customise to your requirements. [Read more…] about Top 5 Available Open Source eCommerce CMS
Location-Based Social Application SEO
Many people know what search engine optimization (SEO) is for their website, but many business owners may not know that SEO is also needed for mobile applications, specifically location-based apps like FourSquare. There are several options that can be completed in these GPS-based apps, which are used by millions of people, often multiple times a day.
Have Deals
Many apps allow business to post deals, which are activated by checking into the business. If possible, always have a deal listed, as many users may choose one business over another depending when what type of deal or promotion they may have. Deals could be 5 or 10% off a bill, a free appetizer, or maybe a free item for when a user becomes the Mayor of a location (the user that has checked in the most in a location in the shortest period of time).
Complete Your Profile
This is probably the most obvious of all the suggestions. Fill out your business profile completely- make sure it is claimed by you so you can access and change or update it at any time. Make sure the gps and map are correct, as well as the hours of operation and phone number. This information is what most users are looking for in a mobile application. Be sure to upload a menu if possible and applicable as well.
Make sure you link your business listing on locationbased social networks with your website and other social profiles. Additionally, post a sticker or flyer in your business, urging patrons to find you in FourSquare or other apps. Other good places to post reminders include email signatures, business cards, at meetings or events, and by employees as they converse the customers. Often offering an incentive (such as “check into or rate Lulu’s hair salon to get a free eyebrow ax with a haircut!”) can also motivate customers to check out your business profiles.
Think Outside the FourSquare
Don’t limit your efforts to only FourSquare. There are several other mobile location-based applications that may be beneficial for your business to have a presence on, including:
- Yelp
- Facebook Places
- Groupon Now
- Food and restaurant rating apps
No matter what location-based social networking apps are bet for your business, be sure to take advantage of all the benefits they can offer your business. In many cases, setting up an incomplete or outdated profile that is never updated is sometimes worse than not claiming or creating one at all.
What location-based social networking profiles have beneficial to your business? Let us know in the comments.
Are you Neglecting Your Video Marketing?
Video marketing can be a great opportunity to capitalize on one of the largest search engines in the world– YouTube. Additionally, other video sharing sites like Vimeo also bring thousands (if no millions) of views to the plethora of videos each site hosts.
However, some companies are hesitant to get into video marketing because they feel that it will be too much effort and too much time will spending editing, designing, and uploading a video post. Even though this may be the case for some longer videos, the fact remains that video recording devices have gotten much more advanced, leading to the ability to shoot and upload HD video virtually painless.
Some smartphones can shoot in HD, as well as pocket camcorders that can upload videos via USB to your computer or even straight to YouTube. So the excuse that video marketing equipment will be too costly doesn’t have a concrete basis, especially because many people now have smartphones.
To figure out how to best implement a video marketing strategy, outline a publishing schedule and specific goals. For instance, uploading videos on Tuesdays and Thursdays with the goal of 2,000 YouTube subscribers by the end of the year is a great beginning of a successful video marketing strategy. Other key points that need to be laid out include places to upload, connected marketing efforts (such as firing a new Facebook Post, Tweet, and blog post each time a new video is uploaded to a company’s YouTube account), and the completion and delegation of the video creation and upload. Once a video is uploaded to a video site like YouTube, all applicable fields need to be filled out because they have link and SEO value. This includes the description (which allows URLs) and tags.
Once a set of steps for each responsible team member is delegated, creating the content topics is the next largest component. Keep a running list of video ideas from frequently asked questions, event information, and key or hot topics that are happening in your company’s industry. When all else fails, take to social media and employees to solicit ideas for video topics. Once these demographics know that ideas are welcome, it is fairly easy to keep your video marketing topic list updated with additional input and suggestions.
Video marketing can be a great way to reach a whole new set of customers in a different way. Once a strategy and plan is put into place, creating company videos can certainly be a fun experience.
Dropbox: Rising Leaders In Cloud Storage [Infographic]
From humble beginnings in an apartment in 2006 to dominating the free cloud storage market in 2012 Dropbox have built and expanded on a business model that is proving to be extremely successful. The online market for storing, organising and sharing information between platforms and devices has never been more competitive but after receiving $250 million in funding last year they are now looking to be a dominate force in the market as larger technology players such as Google and IBM scramble to replicate their innovations.
Below is an infographic looking at how they have grown and expanded in a mere 6 years from just 2 employees to 200 and over 50 million users, all on word of mouth advertising!
This infographic design was created by Infographiclabs.com