While WordPress.com is great, it’s not the answer for everyone. Thankfully, there are many different blog hosting sites to choose from such as Blogger. Speaking of Blogger, there is a new book available on Amazon.com called Google Blogger For Dummies written by Susan Gunelius.
The book weighs in at 384 pages and covers the following topics:
How to choose a blog topic and personalize your blog
What you should know about moderating comments
How to maintain your blog with tools like Blog This! and Quick Edit
Simple search engine optimization techniques
Tips for tracking your blog traffic
Where to find cool free templates
How to make money from your blog
Ten useful social networking sites
The book is scheduled to officially be published on February 3rd but you can already grab yourself a copy from Amazon for $16.49. So if you’re into Blogger and are the type of person that enjoys reading printed copy or likes to have a book nearby for quick referencing, certainly look into purchasing the book.
If you’re still not sure about the book, keep an eye on BloggingTips as Kevin Muldoon seems to have nabbed an early preview copy and will be publishing a review of it soon.