Last week I sent out a note to our beta group for Performancing Partners, the new ad network we’re building with the help of the Performancing community, to tell them that the New Ad Format for Partners was ready to be viewed and tested.
The response was overwhelmingly positive, with great feedback both in general and technical. In fact, we’ve already managed to tweak the code and produce a better format based on the great feedback we got from the beta group.
Tell Us What You Think
Now we’d like to invite everyone in to see what we’re doing. So do visit the partners ad format testing doc and let me know what you think.
Keeping things Open
You’ll notice that the code is freely available and licensed under Creative Commons Attribution 2.5, which means you’re welcome to grab the code, hack on it, share it, or use it in your own applications.
Beta’s Wanted
This was the first newsletter I’d put out to the beta group, and it was everything i’d hoped it would be: A great and truly valuable experience for us and one that has helped us make the end product better already. If you’d like to become part of the beta group, and be “in the loop” on the development of Performancing Partners, please drop your email on the beta signup page and I’ll make sure you’re first with new developments as we move forward.
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