No doubt many of you will have heard the good news that PayPerPost have agreed to aquire certain parts of Performancing.
There appears to be some small confusion over what parts of Performancing the guys at PayPerPost have agreed to aquire, so aswell as posting this on my personal blog, i’ll reiterate here so that everyone is as clear as can be.
This does not include the Partners ad network, and does not include PFF, our free blog editor for firefox. Details will go out shortly, but the bottom line is that we’ll be moving those parts of Performancing to new domains and new brands.
We’re all very excited about the deal. It gives Metrics a chance to truly flourish, and the community an opportunity to grow and continue to discuss the business of blogging.
Clearly there’s a ton of stuff to do to make this all go smoothly, so do excuse me while i rush around like a madman trying to do it all in time….