No doubt many of you will have heard the good news that PayPerPost have agreed to aquire certain parts of Performancing.
There appears to be some small confusion over what parts of Performancing the guys at PayPerPost have agreed to aquire, so aswell as posting this on my personal blog, i’ll reiterate here so that everyone is as clear as can be.
This does not include the Partners ad network, and does not include PFF, our free blog editor for firefox. Details will go out shortly, but the bottom line is that we’ll be moving those parts of Performancing to new domains and new brands.
We’re all very excited about the deal. It gives Metrics a chance to truly flourish, and the community an opportunity to grow and continue to discuss the business of blogging.
Clearly there’s a ton of stuff to do to make this all go smoothly, so do excuse me while i rush around like a madman trying to do it all in time….
See latest post here.
Paul you work with commercial blogging for Realtors. I take it as a given that you enforce some kind of disclosure for all your realtors. I couldn’t find any ToS for your blog network however, and you really should do a better job with the way you syndicate your bloggers content with permalinks and trackback.
I am sure the WordPress guys would like some mention that you use their blogging platform as well.
You see it is easy to make an environment for less than ethical practices 😉
Honestly Paul, if you can point me in the direction of a large affiliate network that allows direct linking to selected products, that also has a long standing requirement for complete disclosure, I might change my views.
I might also change my views if I could see a significant ethical difference between paid links in the Yahoo directory, and a relevant paid review on a blog.
I am an advocate for disclosure in many ways, because I have dumped a load of money into the development of my disclosure policy plugin.
That also means I have spent a lot of time researching the subject, and not just the deliberately provocative headlines of many A listers.
I’m reiterating again that I have the highest respect for Nick + Chris and their business needs. And I DON’T have all the same views as everyone above. This is my perspective:
What was important to me in Performancing is five things:
(1) Personal blogs – for sharing tips and interactive conversing
(2) Metrics
(3) Perf Exchange, which I am a moderator for (though I guess not anymore)
(4) Forums
(5) PFF editor plugin
Unfortunately, the first three are now gone and I haven’t had time for the forums. I still use PFF daily.
So what’s left for me? The whole point I’m making is that I want to participate here because I respect Nick and Chris so much and like the grassroots feel of Performancing. But my avenues are mostly gone. This isn’t an issue of PPP’s integrity. [Full disclosure: I beta-tested and I wrote a review of ReviewMe for pay. Whip-dee-doo. All other ReviewMe reviews on my blogs were written by people who write for me. Whip-dee-double-doo. That’s not my issue.]
I want to participate here, not there (PPP). I’ve never said above I was leaving, just that I wasn’t using Metrics anymore. I still support Nick + Chris in their decisions, because they run a business first and foremost. But that doesn’t mean I’m not disappointed that I cannot participate as often on a site that I’ve come to love so much. That is the nature of my disappointment, nothing else.
@Paul: Well said
@Nick: Exactly, and you know us…very unlikely we’ll ever shut up.
I posted an article about all this hoopla on my main blog (listed under my user name above) if anyone cares to read it.
Personally I think discussions like this will be one of the key assets PPP have agreed to aquire, even if they don’t know it yet
We have an unrivaled opportunity to influence the way that advertising and sponsorship work within the ‘sphere by participating in such debate, and I can tell you for a fact that the PPP guys, Dan and Ted, do not have horns and tails — they’re good guys pushing at the boundaries of where we can take this stuff, and like it or not, that’s how progress is made.
I’ve not commented till now as I’m very emotionally tied to this community. I’ve invested a year of my life into it, and want to see it continue to grow and prosper — the negativity, be it knee-jerk or otherwise, while understandable, does my damn head in, it’s the hardest part of the ‘business’ of building sites and communities.
It is though, one of the most exciting times and when you can really see a community take control of it’s destiiny, and in this case, when both oportunities, and the chance to influense events, is strongest.
Thanks for the support everyone, and do keep the debate going: You guys, us guys, are up to this challenge.
I have to disagree with both Andy and KirkM’s comment about bloggers being the ones to blame for the PPP scandal. Just as parent’s have to bear some responsibility for their children’s behavior, so does have to bear responsibility for creating an environment where less than ethical practices could occur.
The company cannot simply be given a pass. In my opinion, they should have required disclosure as part of the posting guidelines from the outset. Had they taken the ethical highroad to begin with, it’s quite possible we wouldn’t be having this conversation now.
I’m disturbed that such a grassroots blogging organization as Performancing would sell Metrics to a company which had such temerity for high ethical standards. It’s an oil/water mix.
Will I stop using Metrics just because of this transaction? As long as it continues to meet a need, absolutely not. I don’t consider boycotting its use to be a necessary retaliatory response.
I may not comment here very often but I’m constantly here nonetheless. I read, I research and occasionally when I feel something is worth commenting on…
Nick and Chris have been more than honest with us since the beginning and Nick has been warning us that they simply couldn’t support Metrics the way it was growing all by themselves and that a solution would have to be found…most likely a sale.
Now it’s happened and yes it’s to PPP but what of it? As Andy beard points out in his comment, it’s not PPP, it’s the bloggers that caused the problems and I for one absolutely agree. You can be a member of PPP or any other such company and still maintain your personal integrity if you choose to. It’s all a matter of personal responsibility. So I have to ask:
Are we as bloggers and members of Performancing so unsure of ourselves and our influence in the “community” that we just feel we have to “jump ship” as soon as the announcement of the sale is made by a person(s) who has earned our trust time and time again? Do we think ourselves so weak as not to be able to influence any needed change for the better if required when dealing with the new situation of PPP owned Metrics? I know I for one have had a fair influence in certain small areas of Performancing myself and I’m just one of many. Now I have to think of what the many can accomplish.
I have to ask myself the question that if PPP is so absolutely unethical, why would Nick and Chris even consider an offer? ANSWER: They wouldn’t. And we all should realize by now that neither Nick or Chris have any problem in telling anyone where to get off.
As for me I’m staying on board and I’m not even a Metrics user although I’m considering using the service in the near future. With all do respect to those leaving, I can understand if you no longer wish to use Metrics (your choice) but those leaving Performancing altogether is just a knee-jerk reaction if there ever was one. I’m sticking it out simply because I know that the Performancing community is a very STRONG community and if we sense any wrong doing going on as far as PPP is concerned then I have absolutely no doubt that we can thoroughly root it out, stomp all over it and replace it with something a bit more ethical. But somehow I don’t think that will be the case.
Nick and Chris made a decision. Now it all boils down to a matter of trust in their judgment. They haven’t steered us wrong yet.
I mean no offense to anyone here. You have your reasons and it’s your decision of course.
I have carefully evaluated my use of metrics
It is most likely I will increase my usage of metrics due to this decision.
First of all here is a little excerpt from a post I made yesterday
Paid Links | Hindsight gives perspective
It is a highly relevant fun read, also celebrating 5 years of paid links in the Yahoo Directory.
I am not going to point people out, but there are people who are stating that they are abandoning metrics because of PPP being unethical, but who have done paid posts with ReviewMe, or who write reviews using affiliate links on a regular basis.
I trust Nicks judgement of PPP
One of the most important things is that PPP are an advertising company, just like all the affiliate networks and CPM networks. Those services all have some kind of backend metrics, but they don’t give you access to them.
PPP are not a competitor. In many ways, for many bloggers Nick and Performancing were a competitor for many niche bloggers, either actually or potentially.
Hopefully we will see vastly improved metrics. I would like to see Adsense removed. It was never done effectively to be useful.
Solid transparent metrics will open the door for better paying posts for higher performing blogs, possibly more accurately than this is currently determined by ReviewMe.
What will be very interesting is the lifetime performance of content written on better SEO optimised blogs. On some blogs once a story disappears from the front page, the value of the content to an advertiser drops dramatically. If metrics can clearly show the longterm value of content over time, it will be of great interest.
Hell, the data is already there, all it needs is to be presented in a better manner.
I would love to be able to integrate the data from other tracking packages into the same “desktop”. It can’t really be done currently with Pageflakes or Netvibes. Such an interface would need to be hosted on my own server rather than the performancing one.
I don’t know anyone from you guys but … hell if Nick decide do do this he knows all about the deal. This perfo thing is his baby and no one will kill it’s own baby even for money.
That’s what I think … there is another thing … no one either can use your work without your consentment .. at least in Europa … so if you don’t like the PPP don’t take the money … The guys at PPP doesn’t aim at you with a machine gun … or ?
Sorry Nick – I’m voting with my feet. It was good while it lasted …
I dislike Pay Per Post sites with a passion – it lowers blogging to an all time level of unprofessionalism. I think this is bad news for as I suspect the majority of us came on to the site to check our stats, rather than take part in an advertising partnership.
What is worrying, is how will our accounts be treated? I wouldn’t like my account details or stats to be passed on to Pay Per Post. I’m sure that will be worked out in due course.
“If that indeed is the case, please somebody provide detailed instructions how *not* to have my information become part of PPP [snipped] I’d like the choice whether or not to be associated with PPP and I suspect that many of the people above who are voicing their displeasure — and the countless others who don’t bother to reply here — feel similarly.”
That’s exactly how I feel. However I’m not exactly eager to hear that it’s not possible to delete my account from ANY website. That’s my information, and as I have a right to submit it, I also have a right to retract it.
The Privacy Policy as it sits at this very moment only states that my information would be shared with government agencies in the event of an investigation or some such. I have never agreed to have it shared with PPP and I want it removed before they get their grubby mitts on it.
I, too, am disappointed by this acquistion. I’m not completely anti-PPP like some above are, but still haven’t chosen to sign up for them yet either. With this acquisition I feel like I’m being backed into PPP without my consent. Opt-out deals involving communities SUCK.
If that indeed is the case, please somebody provide detailed instructions how *not* to have my information become part of PPP (if that’s even possible?) until I want it to be. I was willing and happy to support Nick, Chris and, but jury is still out on PPP. I’d like the choice whether or not to be associated with PPP and I suspect that many of the people above who are voicing their displeasure — and the countless others who don’t bother to reply here — feel similarly.
However if that’s not possible, I’ll take a wait and see approach before requesting my performancing account be completely nuked.
It’s a shame that the Performancing brand has been sullied by getting in with PPP. Personally, I think it’s a poor move and is a real slap in the face to the “grassroots” supporters here: they’ve simply been sold out.
The idea that metrics and it’s users have been handed over to PPP for god kows what purposes is simply distasteful to many and an amazing lack of judgement imo (I’m not a Metrics user, but check around the b’sphere – many are getting out).
Those behind Perf have also taken a big credibility hit themselves – how can they be trusted not to do it again: build up a community/user base and then sell out, without thought to their users.
Seems PPP needs the Performancing brand because theres is just just mud – but the Perf brand is taking an almighty hit since the announcement. Other than that it seems Perf have simply sold their user list to PPP.
Seems like many are jumping ship as they don’t want to be associated with PPP – and I don’t blame them. What a real waste.
I was there from the early days, when you had some real quality posts here but lately it seems to have run out of steam.
Goodbye Perfomancing – I’ll be watching how your plugin re-branding goes as I think it’s a top notch product.
As far as I remember, the Performancing guys had options of selling the Metrics and/or giving its source code to the public to let everybody run his own small metrics.
As far as I understand selling the big Metrics is not necessarily mutually exclusive with giving the current source code to the public under e.g. GPL or Mozilla license.
Nick, what about moving the big Metrics to PPP and giving the current source code to the public? Those who want the enterprise stability, PPP-association, etc will continue using the main Metrics. Those that anyway don’t like doing business with PPP will have their own small metricses
I understand there has been some financial necessities behind this move, but I’m disappointed too. I’m leaving the boat too, I don’t want to be associated in any way with PPP. See ya.
Nick, Chris & The Team at P.Com
I think you made the right decision about selling those parts of P.Com, as you talked about previously about metrics in the Future of Performancing blog Post if they werent working for you, you did the right thing.
I’ve seen how much you guys have grown over the past year and it is only right you get something back for the amount of work you put into this site. Considering you guys went a long time before launching your ad network and generating revenue. You put a lot of man hours into metrics and it is only right you get something for it.
Ok I hate the fact that you sold to Pay Per Post but fuck it. You wanted to sell, someone wanted to buy, is cool with me and because you sold some parts of to them, it doesn’t change my opinion of you guys who you sold to cause i know you guys deserve something for your hard work.
Anyone who has a problem with us, please understnad they made a business decision. Not sold their souls to the pay per post devils wich the post techcrunch made it sound like you had.
Happy New Year Guys & May this One Be Even Better Then The Last One
P.S Markus, happy new year to you too
I’m all for “selling out” but I think Performancing made a bad choice as to the buyer considering the recent controversy.
Sorry, I should have called that out. The FTC did not make any changes to their rules. They in fact ruled that their existing rules were comprehensive enough and required no modification. I’m on vacation, but can provide a link to the PDF ruling or email a copy to anyone that needs it when I get back. The ruling had nothing directly to do with PPP, but instead with a fortune 500 company. The FTC basically said they would not do anything to go after the companies that were breaking the rules, but essentially provided a notice that people should follow their clarified rules.
Less than a week later, PPP required full disclosure for all of their write ups (this is over a month after the disclosure concept)
Sprint & Nextel
Interestingly, you mentioned the Sprint and Nextel merger as being good for Sprint, Nextel and its customers. I would suggest that it has been nothing short of disasterous for almost all the stakeholders in that transaction, especially Nextel Subscribers that have been pushed to Sprint technology. The combined company has seen significant losses in subscribers since the merger as the other carriers pull upset customers away. Key people from the Nextel organization are fleeing the new company.
I find this example interesting, not because I disagree with your view on it, but because it shows a complete merger where a company sprint, with a focus on cheap cellular services merged with nextel focused on business customers. This resulted in a culture clash of customers that required services that did not fall in a one size fit all solution as Sprint has since offered up.
This acquisition is not a merger at all, but does bring together two slightly different cultures of communities. With Many ‘Professional Bloggers’ in the Performancing community and many ‘Paid Bloggers’ in the PPP community. In sports there might be less of a difference in those names. Baseball might have the best analogy to offer though if we were to call Performancing Bloggers the Pros and the PPP Bloggers the Minor Leaguers.
What we have then is a case where the Minor League team owners have bought Wrigley Field or Fenway park or something
Obviously, this is going to create some strong emotional responses from the ‘players’ and the fans.
The question becomes can the two groups learn from each other and grow and benefit? Already, many of the PPP bloggers are or have been long time members of the Performancing community since before PPP came into existence. Some also work with Blogitive, Blogsvertise, ReviewMe, AssociatedContent, Helium, let me Yada Yada Yada through the list.
The bottom line is that there is a market for blog advertising that is not being filled with traditional banner ads, or contextual link ads or text link ads etc. Performancing has attempted a solution with its Ad Partners concept and PPP has filled a different solution for a different niche. Personally, I do not think either of them are completely cooked yet, but I think they have lots of potential to develop into a very useful and trusted industry. I think the barrage of mortar fire that has been leveled by the Pro’s against the Minors has been a little unfair, but I do recognize that the Pros’s are attempting to protect the value of their commodity in their blogs.
PPP is very responsive to the blogging community because this is their base. This acquisition marks a very unique opportunity for the Performancing Members to significantly influence the direction of this new company, and based on my direct experience with PPP, they will listen.
Similarly, the Performancing Team had a responsibility to themselves to extract the value that they could out of some great assets. I think they made a smart choice and I think they will be able to do well with it.
In the grand scheme of the net, Performancing and PPP are both amateurs compared to Google and Yahoo! so comparisons to them are not as beneficial as they might be to smaller companies, but some day I think either company could and might find a way to grow to a very respectable level.
I’m dropping off this comment chain after this post as I do not want to appear to be hogging the platform. I’ve said pretty much what I think covers the situation, and look forward to hearing more perspective from everyone else. 18 Posts for a community of 28,000 members seems a little small to me, and I suspect their are a large number of ambivalent members out ther, that do not care one way or the other.
“I would point out to some of the follow on readers that some of the comments above seem to have some mixed up facts within them.”
Please, do share what you feel are the mixed up facts exactly? It’s highly unfair of you to make a general statement like that about “the above” just because you fail to see the negative impact this is going to have on bloggers in general, especially those who continue to use the metrics service.
Again, I’m all for growth and expansion, mergers and acquisitions… but not when it means a grassroots company with huge potential sells out to a company lacking ethics until the government forces them to be ethical.
Sprint bought Nextel. Good move for Sprint, Nextel, and their customers.
Google bought YouTube. Good move for Google, YouTube, and their users.
PPP bought PMetrics and The Exchange. Amazing move for PPP, financially probably a good move for PFF, PPartners, et al., HORRID move for the end users of PMetrics and The Exchange.
Not everything is rainbows and butterflies all the time. There ARE bad people and bad ideas…
Despite some of the negative comments above, I wanted to congratulate the Performancing Team. I do respect the opinions of many of the dissenters above. I do not see this as a bad business move by Performancing at all.
Sales and transitions involving community based websites are always going to be ripe for discussions amongst the former, current, soon to be former and future members.
I would point out to some of the follow on readers that some of the comments above seem to have some mixed up facts within them. So as in anything on the web, make sure you consider doing a little background digging before you jump to a conclusion.
I suspect that this transaction and the resulting changes will be best viewed over time as the two companies and groups move past the transaction and do something. Then we will be able to see what the current Performancing team can do as they refocus their efforts and what PayPerPost will do as it brings in the technology of Metrics and the Exchange.
Personally, I like both companies Performancing and PayPerPost and I like the teams from both companies as well. I’ve seen the good and bad from both groups at different times, and I do not believe their good points or bad points are very well represented in this transaction. I do think that this transaction shows that both companies and groups are making efforts to improve and grow and that I believe will be good for the industry and the community.
Happy New Year!
It was a great ride while it lasted. I agree, I want all my data out of Performancing if its getting turned over to PPP. Performancing was awesome, an inspiration, and yeah grassroots. Now how is that supposed to exist under PPP? They essentially pay bloggers to lie(even though they finally required disclosure). Their whole attitude about disclosure tells me how utter dishonest they are. Oh well, another one bites the dust. I found it funny how one of the PPP investors wrote on his blog how happy he was people were saying nice things about PPP – and what he linked to was Scoble and Arrington saying its about time PPP finally stopped being dishonest and require disclosure. Yeah thats something to be proud of. Let’s go find the next “Performancing” out there.
Wow, ladydelaluna, you’ve absolutely nailed it. I agree that what Nick had built here was worthy of respect, and it absolutely astounds me that the decision would be made to have any association whatsoever with PayPerPost, who have been resoundingly denounced as a despicable company.
Nick, I hope you got a massive payoff, because the hit you just took to your credibility is going to take a very long time to recover from.
Here recently I have been considering switching back to Google Analytics – now I know I will. Performancing couldn’t have made a worse decision – I hope you were paid a lot. Being such an integral part of the blogging community, how could you sell to the scum of the blogosphere? I am sure you’ve heard the constant complaints about their business model (up until the FTC decided what they were doing was wrong and changed the rules for them!).
I too would like to know how to purge all of my data (including my account) from performancing’s database.
Oh please, don’t try to toss out the “but look what you got for free” line. I would gladly have paid even an annual fee for the use of PMetrics if it meant that I could trust the owners. As it stands, I now have to do such a thing anyway, but I don’t have the long term knowledge about the companies I have to choose from.
It has absolutely nothing to do with their products being free. I’ve used countless plugins for WP, donated to their creators, and paid thousands of dollars just in the past year alone for programmers to customize things for me. Don’t throw the money card my way.
That said…
Paid inclusion on a trusted directory like Yahoo IS acceptable. Yahoo’s been around for over 10 years now, and even though it’s a competitor of sorts, Google places value on that. I’m quite sure that the majority of sites involved here are not comparable to CNET or CNN.
The problem Google (and other search engines I’m sure) have with paid links on everyday sites is akin to the recent hubub about MS and their Acer/Ferrari laptops they’ve sent out, with the secondary “oops, here’s what we meant” clarification backpeddling they did. It’s seen as a bribe for positive publicity.
I did one review for and it was a negative one, and I haven’t (and wouldn’t) done one since. I was honest, and absolutely sincere and upfront about what the post was. However I don’t appreciate the fact that PPP has had so much negative publicity (that they apparently encouraged for the hype) right from the beginning. How can being associated with a bad seed be good for anyone? Didn’t your parents ever tell you that you are who you hang around with? Meh. PPP is not the kind of friend I want to be seen with.
I love how:
1. Paid inclusion in yahoo directory is recommended by google webmaster tips
2. Paid inclusion is standard practice in every media (print, radio, television)
And yet somehow:
1. Paid incluson in a blog site is seen by google-and-team as spam-SEO-pay-for-links
2. Paid inclusion in a blog site is seen by y’all as being so horrible you don’t want to be associated and yet your evening news report (or CNET or…) is getting paid to include. Right. Now.
In your passion about these services that you see going to the wrong destination, try not to forget the debt of gratitude that you owe to Performancing for a year+ of providing great products for free.
Goodbye, Performancing. It was good while it lasted. I have removed Metrics from my blogs, and the PFF add-on is going next. It’s too bad, after the effort I went into to beta test the new version of PFF.
I will not do business with a business like PPP. Sorry.
I want to know how to remove my information, all my blogs, etc. and every trace of my existence with Performancing. I want it all gone, and I do not want PPP to have access to any historical anything. I’ve deleted the blogs from the site, and am in the process of removing the plugins. Please delete this account in its entirety.
I’m sorry, but I have little respect for this transaction. PPP has been denounced by Google and its employees, and I don’t want anything to do with anything in their hands.
It’s REALLY sad, Nick. I had so much respect for you guys. I even tried to hold out hope when you mentioned you were looking for a buyer, in that you wouldn’t just jump on something. But all this looks like to me is that you guys took either the first or the biggest chunk of change you could and ran with it without thinking of the associations, or caring about those of us who have been here since the beginning, helping out and sharing our thoughts and ideas to help you all GET this place to be worth something.
So. Severely. Disappointed.
I’m glad that this deal will help PFF and Partners (though it’s sad they’ll lose the Performancing brand) and I’ll continue to gladly use both on my sites. But I find PayPerPost to be an unethical and uncomfortable concept. I’ll be removing Metrics from my sites tonight. Too bad…
Sorry guys.
Whilst it pleases me that the core services – the partners network and pff – were not sold off, it is disheartening to see metrics was sold to a pay-for-comment advertising mob.
I’m sure the sale will allow perfomancing to do a few things they perhaps weren’t able to do, but I am afraid that this spells the end of my interest in performancing in it’s entirety.
PPP now has access to masses of blog statistics (which are it’s bread-and-butter) – which I am sure will prove to be highly beneficial.
I’m just as sure whilst many find this a positive move, many many more will likely view this as a highly negative move, as I do. Sorry guys – I just can’t continue to support and recommend a business that has a working relationship with PayPerPost.
I did READ and then react. I have the greatest respect for Nick + Chris, and they did what they felt they needed. But I liked the grassroots feel and was willing to pay for my access to Metrics. Payperpost is not grassroots.
Understand: I have nothing against N + C, but I’ll no longer be using Metrics because of this announcement. My utter disappointment is about who DIDN’T buy metrics, not that the P-boys sold Metrics. But I’m not going to air the details out loud.
Pertinent to Greg’s #1) above, how can PPP’s funding/infrastructure help, Metrics and Exchange get better?
PPP is offering an opp specifically for Performancing members to share their ideas on how to improve the acquired services, the good and the bad. Nick and Chris have built some great tools for the Perf community — in fact, too many to manage together. PPP hopes the renewed focus and resources on Metrics, Exchange and will be a win-win for all. That starts with getting good feedback from members on where to improve…
Folks – try to read what nick says in this post and the posts that he links to. In my opinion this is great news for Performancing and it’s members:
1) Some parts of the Performancing suite of products are being moved to a new home where they will get attention that they deserve.
2) Presumably the folks behind Performancing are getting some funds out of this deal which will help them to improve PFF and the Ad Network and perhaps some new projects.
When Nick mentioned the need to find a new home for metrics (Trimming startup fat) people really didn’t want to see it go. Well, now they can be pretty certain that it’s not going anwyere – PPP will benefit by having a product that motivates bloggers to visit the PPP property every now and then to check their PPPMetrics.
If you don’t want your information shared, just edit the parts of your account that are associated with the services that are moving to PPP and move on.
I’m not a Performancing employee, shill, nor suckup – look at my previous posts and you’ll see I’ve contradicted and criticized openly in the past. This is just plain a good idea from a business perspective and a user perspective.
This is the best thing to happen to the web since The Payperpost system is magnificent. I love being associated with those willing to sell their soul at $5-10 a pop.
* The author of this comment may have been paid for his contribution.
I am very sad to hear this, it seemed like you were getting started from the grassroots level and I was happy to be part of it… now it’s just another good idea gone bad.
What happens to our accounts? I’m happy to stay with the Performancing ad network, but I don’t want my details being sold on to PPP.
Sorry Nick…. How utterly disappointing.