The future of Performancing

It’s been a while since I last posted about Performancing, and of course some of you have noted that’s it’s all pretty quiet round here. This is because we’re busy talking to a bunch of interesting folks and companies about ways to move Performancing forward. We’ll be able to make an announcement early next week i hope.

For now, rest assured that we’re still here, and are working hard to secure a bright future for the company and it’s products.

As to the specifics, there simply aren’t any. We’ve talked to a few folks re partnerships and other collaborative efforts as well as technical and financial solutions to move Performancing forward and are just waiting for those discussions to conclude.

In the meantime, you’ll note that we’re still hoping to push PFF 1.4 out the door shortly, and put some features for Partners in place that were temporarily put on hold so it’s pretty much business as usual 🙂