I like to challenge conventional wisdom. So here’s a question.
Has anyone actually made money or acquired LOTS of sustainable traffic with Blog Post Trending?
As many of you know, I’m incredibly lazy. I only do things when I know they work. I adopt technologies late. I just got my first cell phone (an iPhone) about 2 weeks ago. Why? Because up until now cell phones seemed like more of a burden than a help. I don’t leave my house very often and I’m much more productive when I’m not answering the phone all day. But the iPhone offers me some things I actually needed for the sake of productivity…and I was sold.
I guess that’s a tangent. But the fact is that I’ve never really put much effort into writing about trends. I’ve also not pressured my writers to write about trends.
Am I making a mistake? I see loads and loads of people posting about things like “Christmas Gift Suggestions For The Green Enthusiast” or “Must Have Mobile Products For 2008” but I guess I just wonder if those kinds of posts are themselves…well…trendy.
When it comes to blogging, some fads stick but most fads pass away. I’ve been at this gig long enough to have seen all my friends jump enthusiastically on some blogging trend bandwagon, only to give it up a few months later. See, I wait until I know something is going to be around for a while and prove useful before I adopt.
So what is it? How big of a deal is blog trending? Does it really help? Is it something I should pay more attention to?