How-To build some trendy content for your editorial calendar 2008.
Are you aware of the upcoming trends in 2008?
Some desktop research tips for finding the hot trends for 2008
After reading How-To Create An Editorial Calendar For A Blog you may want to work out some content items for your blog. The web savvy users of may want to use some classical research sources and subscribe to the trend 2008 sources in advance.
Blog posts mentioning Trends 2008 per day for the past 30 days:
How-To find the trends for 2008 for your blog?
Sources for the ‘Trends 2008’
Nothing new. Just a reminder to be ahead. No scoop intended.
Search for Trends 2008 and refine the search for your niche.
- Trends 2008 – Even if this is the #1 because of the alphabetical listing I have no idea what the search result is trying to tell me 🙂
- Trends 2008 – Definitely one of the hottest places to look for ‘Trends 2008’ pages because the bookmarks are added by real people!
- RSS feed for tag ‘Trends’ (Only one tag possible).
- Flickr Trends 2008 – Not too hot results but why not follow some photography communities?
- Great cluster page: Trends
- Google Trends 2008 – Always worth a look! Refine for news, blogs, images, etc. Add your preferred language i.e. &hl=en as parameter.
- A) News search: RSS feed for ‘Trends 2008’
- B) Blog search: RSS feed for ‘Trends 2008’
- Lonely Planet Trends 2008 – Not much but maybe you know other good search engines for travel related trends?
- Trends 2008 – Linked to the classic view because of result quality. The enhanced version is great but the results are totally mixed. Check out the image view. Inspiring!
- StumbleUpon Trends – Tag search. Too bad that they don’t have a RSS feed for their tags.
- Technorati Trends 2008 – With Technorati it is nice that you can have an RSS feed for nearly everything
- RSS feed: Trends 2008
Bonus: OPML file for ‘Trends 2008’
If you are willing to follow the news about ‘Trends 2008’ I would recommend an OPML generator to get a nice block of feeds.
With MonitorThis you can subscribe to 22 different search engine feeds at the same time. Enter a search term and click the ‘make monitor.opml’ button to get a list of rss feeds in OPML format.
- Create your personal OPML file here: Monitor This
- Import the OPML file into your feed reader.
- Monitor the feeds for relevance and delete the ones you don’t need.
- Bingo – You will be informed about the latest search results automatically
You know that finding trends for your niche is a repeating event for your editorial calendar?
Great set of links. I only use Google Trends but I will check out the others especially Technorati.
I have added this article to for a test (Info on Splashpress Media).
As a fresh registered user I have no idea what to expect from Users who are registered might help me out with some comments, votes or whatever is possible/necessary.
Thanks in advance!