After much discussion, we’ve decided that the deal proposed by PayPerPost just isnt right for us or our community. It’s regrettable that we should part ways as I still feel that Dan and Ted are stand up guys breaking new ground, but in the end, the deal was just not right for them or us.
Open Source
Our free blog statistics package, Metrics will be given back to the community with our thanks — we can no longer run it, which means the service will end, but we hope that the developer community will make good use of the code and that we can continue to help the project by hosting it and providing support where we can.
Feedburner as Alternative for Metrics
If you’re a Metrics user and dont want to wait around till the OS version of Metrics is developed (and this could take some time…), I highly recommend Feedburners Blog Stats which has just gone live. Dick and the FB guys are good friends of Performancing and I can’t think of a better place to send the Performancing Metrics users.
Where does that Leave Performancing?
Well, more details to follow but the short story is that we will continue to develop Performancing Partners, our growing blog advertising network and focus the Performancing domain entirely to that end as well as our “grassroots” community — We’re proud of what we’ve helped build here, and want to continue to evolve, develop and help the community grow — the business of blogging isnt always easy, but it’s easier when you can get some help from peers 🙂
PFF, our free blog editor for Firefox will still be moved out to its own domain and rebranded as ScribeFire. We all love the name, and think it deserves it’s own identitiy!
Of course there is more to talk about, but I’d like to get some initial reaction from the community first and answer questions in more detail over the next couple of days.
Here’s looking to the future and profitable 2007!