I’ve been doing this blogging thing for some time now and I’ve lost my ability to see things from a different perspective. RJ on the other hand has participated in blogging for only two weeks and has already published a post asking, is blogging a waste of time.
The post goes into what RJ is learning in class as it pertains to citizen journalism but he also shares his opinions on what blogging is actually doing as it pertains to America. This post has a political feel to it but I tend to disagree with his overall opinion of blogging.
I think RJ needs to step out of the political arena and check out some blogs that are anything but political. There are plenty of people out their who are behaving in a civilized manner and engaging in meaningful discussions.
Be sure to read the comments attached to his blog post as they contain some interesting responses.
Do you feel that blogging or for that matter, commenting is a waste of time?