The second episode of Perfcast is now available for consumption. David tries out Xlite as a means of calling in and although he sounds better in terms of audio quality, there appears to have been a technical glitch which caused him to fade out every once and awhile during the show. Despite those hiccups, we had an interesting discussion about WordPress 2.7 and the following news stories.
Blogging Through A Disaster – TheBlogHerald
First Look At WordPress 2.7 – Hits 4 Milliong Hosted Blogs –
BackType is a service that lets you find, follow and share comments from across the web.
Twittad Another Way To Monetize Twitter Usage – BloggingTips
LISTENER FEEDBACK – Jacob Santos lets us know that Lloyd Budd is actually not a core developer. He does work for Automattic but does not have commit access to the code. Lloyd is still cool though! 🙂 – We love hearing what you, our audience, thinks of the show, as well as the blogging industry. If you have something to say, please contact us at (perfcast at gmail dot com)
Each week, David and I like to look at the jobs available in blogging and related industries. We cover jobs that catch our eye, and hopefully don’t pay too poorly. We will feature one of these jobs on each episode of Perfcast.
BLOGGING JOB OF THE WEEK – Green/Eco on a Budget Blogger with Simply Good Media. No word on pay rate.
Jeffro2pt0 –
David –
BLOGGING CHALLENGE – The challenge this week is to create link bait.
The blogging challenge is provided as a means of challenging yourself with a specific duty each week. David and I will be participating in each challenge and will be highlighting various entries from the previous challenge. To have your entry viewed by David and I, leave a comment with a link to your entry on this blog post. You may be the entry we review on the next episode.
NEXT EPISODE – Thursday September 11th, 2008 at 7 P.M. EST
Blogosphere News
DOWNLOAD THE SHOW: PerfcastEpisode2.mp3
Well, I haven’t been able to read my English Grammar For Dummies book yet 😛
There not their…goodness… *smacks self in face*.
I didn’t mean any disrespect for people living their, more one of surprise that people keep living there.
Consider this: You survive through a hurricane, losing everything, your family had to evacuate to somewhere safe… I think that’s a good time to find a way NOT to go back. And it was more of a historical thing… why did people decide to start their families there back a long, long time ago. You’d think after the first hurricane the settlers would be like, “hmm, time to move…”
I don’t think its disrespectful at all to bring that up. I understand the ties to family or the feeling that you can’t move due to financial concerns, but to me it is like gambling your life. Doesn’t seem worth it to me.
Also, the greatest thing about the Internet is being allowed a platform for my own opinions, and so feel free to disagree, but please don’t be insulting.
As for the commenters / commentors issue. I figured it must be “ers”, but I didn’t want to continue to use it over and over and be incorrect, so thanks for that! And jeepers Jeff, you don’t know the apostrophe rules and you write, “get off the Internets!” 😛
*sigh* don’t you know how spell checking works? The checker takes the typed characters or in this case the letters….c-o-m-m-e-n-t-e-r-s and it looks for similar spelling of the characters provided. Of course it’s going to suggest commenter’s because it is another given spelling of a word with similar characters.
What you seem to not understand is that a spellchecker does NOT give different spellings of the same word with the same meaning, it gives different and/or similar spellings of the word or of different words with similar characters.
Let’s take you back to third grade since you seemed to have missed the lesson:
commenter’s – means:
1. Commenter is: eg. The commenter is very nice. (“commenter” and “is” form a contraction with the use of an apostrophe.
2. Commenter has the possession of: eg. “The commenter’s hat was big.” (The commenter is in possession of the hat)
I really don’t have a clue how someone who writes for a living could argue that point…it’s pretty simple if you speak English.
P.S. “commenter’s” also has a little red line under it 😉
So then you and Ryan are both telling me that the spell checker in FireFox is wrong when it suggests using commenter’s? For example, if I say commenters Firefox 2 puts a red line under the word but Firefox is perfectly fine with commenter’s
Jeff you’re a blogger, you should know this grammar stuff!
An apostrophe does not indicate plural in a word, it indicates possession or contracted words.
Although there is no technical definition or proof of the existence of the word “commenters” the term has been coined by blogs all over the world.
Given the fact that adding an “s” is the only way to make the word “commenter” plural, and the word “commenter” is true to the English language, then it would be safe to use the word “commenters”.
not commenter’s. it would be commenters
Thanks for the info. But what about more than one commenter? Would it then be, commenter’s?
The proper way to write a person who comments is by using the word “commenter”
2 results for: commenter
com·ment Audio Help /?k?m?nt/
1. a remark, observation, or criticism: a comment about the weather.
2. gossip; talk: His frequent absences gave rise to comment.
3. a criticism or interpretation, often by implication or suggestion: The play is a comment on modern society.
4. a note in explanation, expansion, or criticism of a passage in a book, article, or the like; annotation.
5. explanatory or critical matter added to a text.
—Related forms
com·ment·a·ble, adjective
com·ment·er, noun
Note the final related form is “commenter”
The spellchecker for both Microsoft and Mozilla seem to recognize the word commenter as a word in the English language.
Hope it helps!
Regarding the comment about the hurricane prone zones and people living there…have some respect dude. A lot of the people there either can’t afford to live anywhere else, or don’t have the opportunity to move. Not to mention the ones who need to stay there for family, or are drawn back because of family history. (Which I’m assuming you don’t have a clue as to how strong family is down there.) Now I’m also Canadian and it dare I say shames me to hear someone from this country talk like that. Please watch what you say in future episodes for the respect of the victims.