I’ve been chomping at the bit to write a post like this for quite awhile but haven’t been pushed enough to do it. That is until I read Jack Humphreys post containing his biggest pet peeves of all time, some of which are related to blogging. He lists a couple which I whole heartedly agree with such as:
People who see someone succeeding with a certain kind of blog and build one just like it filled with content just like it.
Thinking of a great idea for a post only to read it on Problogger. Even worse is when that post was inspired by Chris Brogan.
I’ve got some pet peeves of my own. In no particular order they are:
1. Marketing pages which contain one big long page filled with testimonials made to convince only those who are not smart enough.
2. Commenter’s who leave a somewhat relevant comment but link back to a scummy site.
3. Sites that are successful based on blackhat techniques
4. Spam. Email spam not so much these days, more like Twitter spam and comment spam.
5. Writers block.
6. Blogs/sites which don’t have an About page.
7. Sites with great content that don’t have an RSS feed to subscribe to.
8. Make money online blogs.
9. WYSIWYG Editors that do more harm than good.
10. Blogs that don’t have a contact page.
This is by no means a complete list as I could be here all day. So, I am turning it over to you. Let me know in the comments your pet peeves involved with blogging. It’s much easier to be negative about something than positive so there should be plenty of comments. Once the meme has calmed down, perhaps I’ll publish a list of things that give me joy as they relate to blogging.