Copyblogger has a good article worth reading if you’re a freelancer entitled, Where Have All the Freelance Writing Jobs Gone? The economy is creating tough times for Freelancers as more and more site owners slash budgets and cut costs. However, Yuwanda Black provides some tips on how to turn a down economy into an opportunity by looking at current trends and then providing information based on those trends.
One thing I think helps freelance writers get more writing jobs is to consider themselves as “information consultants” rather than freelance writers.
When you become an information consultant, your mindset shifts. Then you start looking to capitalize on trends.
For example, the trend right now is on information related to business, finance, and mortgages (sub-prime). It seems like everyday, we see, hear, or read news concerning one or more of these trends. That’s why, if you position yourself to be a leader in covering these trends, this downturn in the economy won’t be so bad.
At the end of the article, Yuwanda offers a 2008-2009 Freelance Writing Jobs Report in PDF format that highlights the hot niches and sub-niches for which Freelancers should be positioning themselves to write about. The report also contains four tips for recession-proofing your freelance writing career.