After the defining a blog post was published, a commenter by the name of SierraK came up with an interesting idea.
Actually I just came up with a completely random idea..Maybe there should be a different word for each kind of blog. Like tech blogs could have a word, self-help a different word, photography another, etc. so that rather than debate whether its a blog or a website we could discuss whether it is in the right category lol. The problem would be educating on what each of the different words stood for rather than what a general word “blog” stood for…and who would come up with the words?
I’ve seen this in action already with technology blogs being called Techlogs while Photography blogs are called Photoblogs.
I thought I would open this idea up to the Performancing community in the form of a game. The rules are, come up with a category name for a blog which pertains to a subject. Let’s see how many different ones we can come up with before we run out of ideas, or they begin to overlap each other. I’ll get us started.
- Techlog – A blog about technology in any fashion
- Photoblog – A blog based on photography
- Audiblog – A blog about music or sounds
- Autolog – A blog about automobiles and cars
- Geeklog – A blog about geeky stuff
- Infoblog – A blog about information, statistics and analysis
Ok, now its your turn.