A recent thread on performancing sparked some very quick dev work on our part to put together a plan we’d had on the back burner for some months. A marketplace for bloggers and companies wishing to hire, or engage those bloggers.
Think of it as a kind of craigslist meets job board for bloggers. Raj and Ahmed have kindly agreed to head up this new section of Performancing and we’re well set for launch next week.
Check Your Performancing Profiles!
Ahead of launch, we’ve already put a new profile system in place. I’ll be posting about it seperately, aswell as sending out an email to all members shortly, but for now — check out Ahmed and Raj’s links above, then go edit your own.. here’s how:
- Go to “my account” on the right
- Hit “edit” at the top
- Hit “professional details” at the top
- fill in details..
This should allow people to see at a glance whether Performancing members are for hire (in any capacity, such as paid bloggers, designers etc), see their background, and their blog and recent entries on Performancing.
Profiles will shortly be searchable by “for hire” also π
I’ll outline some more on Performancing Exchange in coming posts, for now though, have fun with the new profiles, and let me know what you think of the idea in general — or ask questions.
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