Im on my way to San Diego again, yet another meeting with the dev team, but this time they have WIFI on the transatlantic flight from Denmark to Chicago, how cool is that?
Im supposed to be doing a little bit of work on some more serious stuff than telling you lot about how good the inflight internet is, but hell, i’ve not done this before and it IS cool heh… It wouldwould be fantastic for us to hook up with any members that are in the area though, so let me fill you in on the schedule for the next few weeks…
San Diego
So, im bound from Chicago to San Diego later today, and I have a whole week over there this time, with Chris joining me tomorrow sometime.
Do we have any Performancing members in the area that might like to hook up for a drink or something to eat? We’re dead pushed for time, but if anyone fancies it, i reckon a little time could be made for beers 🙂
SES with Andy Hagans
Im at Search Engine Strategies New York with Andy Hagans on the 1st of next month, where we’ll both be speaking at a session on tagging — the same one i had to miss in Chicago last year due to passport issues, so again if any one is going to be there, let us know.
New Communications Forum
After that, Im in Palo Alto for the New Communications Forum where i will be generally hanging out and catching up with a few folks. So again… if anyone is going from here, please let me know!
Im hoping to catch up with the folks from BlogHer, Tom Foremski and a whole heap of folks over the thursday and Friday, and will post about it seperately in the week as it really does deserve it’s own post!
As those that are paying attention to my occasional ramblings on travel will have guessed, we’re getting closer and closer to announcing our next tool for bloggers — when we’re ready, it’ll be on the homepage, so stay tuned…