I took a quick couple of minutes to download, install and configure the Firefox plugin called Performancing that allows you to easily post weblog content. It’s really handy and a much better solution than we currently have for Radio users. Here’s the quick “how to” guide.
- Download and install Firefox 1.5 as the plugin won’t work with anything older.
- Follow the instructions on the Performancing website to install the plugin.
- Open the editor window by clicking the pencil/pad icon on the lower right corner of the window.
- Configure a blog using the “wizard” with the following settings:
- on the right side of the editing window, click “Launch Account Wizard”
- choose “Custom Blog”
- chose MetaWeblogAPI as the type
- enter Radio’s XML-RPC interface URL–typically
- leave “Add API Key” unchecked
- Enter in the username and password you use for Radio’s remote RPC access. Haven’t set that up yet?
- Enable XML-RPC access on the pref page. Make sure you have the Blogger API pref enabled too.
- Enable Remote access with a username and password on this pref page.