So you put your all into creating what you think ought to be a kick-arse-killer blog but find to your dismay that the traffic just isn’t coming. Do you stick or do you fold? [Read more…] about Knowing When To Stick and When To Fold
Archives for November 2005
A Better Structure for Blog Networks
I’ve been thinking a bit about blog networks, and the way they’re structured of late. A friend and I have been discussing this for months on an “on/off” basis and one thing strikes me every time I look at a network: There is room for much improvement in structure.
Let me start by saying that I do not run a blog network, so my thoughts on this need to be taken as just that, my thoughts.
The Problem
What kind of visible structure do you think of when you think about a blog network? A loose collection of links down the side menu right? Perhaps under category headings?
At best, some networks seem to have a focus on an audience sector, and their blogs, still all linked down a side menu, are at least vaguely related. But even this approach, which to me is far better than the “no relationship other than owneship” approach, seems to be crying out for some kind of better way to organize and (warning, buzz word coming…) leverage the power of the group.
One Solution
So, as I said earlier, I’ve been giving this some thought, and would appreciate your thoughts on what I think would make a more efficient structure for a blog network.
Example: Auto Network
So, to pick something as “light” as i can, so we dont risk anyone thinking im singling out their network heh.. let’s imagine we’re going to set up a network of blogs on the broad topic of Auto. Those blogs would include:
- Ford Blog
- Nissan Blog
- Sports Car Blog
- Family Car Blog
- City Car Blog
- Truck Blog
Note: It’s only an example, it’s not supposed to be complete 🙂
And a nice pretty picture of the car network…
Now, if you’ll excuse my dreadful artwork, and the fact that i only just realized I know nothing about cars! heh. you’ll see what I think could make a good structure for a network.
Here’s how it works
How It Works
- Each sattellite blog posts exclusively within it’s very tight niche
- The Hub Blog reads all of the sattellite blogs, and rewrites the story to be a little more general, as opposed to simply copying it
- The uber blog credits the sattellite/specialist blog, providing readers with a way to connect from the content (which is arguably the best place for a link) to the specialist blog, and subscribe if that’s their passion.
The idea is to create many small, tightly focused blogs within a broader niche, that feed the uber blog – you sit an editor or 2 on each satellite, and have 2-4 people work on the uber blog – the uber blog would also cover more “industry news” type stories that may not relate to any particular model.
So enthusiast readers get specialized blogs, and general interest readers get the best of those stories (not all!) in the uber blog. Making the network much tighter, and more attractive a buy for advertisers.
Make Sense?
Really just a thought i’d been playing around with. Something to help start a discussion on the topic of blog networks and structures, so do let me know what you think. And feel free to pull it to pieces, i won’t mind…
Make Money Blogging via Paid Subscriptions – No, Seriously
We’ve talked before about the various ways you can monetize your blog. Carrying advertisements is the most popular (and successful) model. But there are many other monetization methods, too, and every once in a while some nutter even throws out the “how about charging for access?” (We laugh him out of the comments thread, of course.) But it’s official: I’ve found a blog which charges for subscription, and it appears to be doing quite well.
[Read more…] about Make Money Blogging via Paid Subscriptions – No, Seriously
Blog Stats Software Reviews – SiteMeter
In this first post of our blog stats package reviews let’s see if the aging SiteMeter still stands up to the new kids on the block.
The What’s New page has the SiteMeter service going back to 1998. That’s quite a long time in internet years. At first glance the service doesn’t seem to have moved on very much but looking at the additions it has been looked after over those years. They do though have a blog so you can keep updated with news on the service. Looking at the blog actually it seems more of a “he” (David Smith) than a “they”, quite an achievement.
Joining is though a multi-page wizard kind of affair. Although a bit “spammy” (optin lists and advertisements) it is easy enough. There are instructions for quite a few popular blog packages but anyone using a service that isn’t listed but has access to paste HTML and Javascript into their template should have no problems, in fact if you can only add HTML source is provided that just uses a dynamic image to provide stats.
Signing up
A little spammy
Instructions for popular software
This is the epitome of KISS and a direct contrast to the many “industrial strength” analytics packages out there. It is by no means pretty, in fact you would probably describe it as “cheap and cheerful”. First impressions are not great, they could do with calling in a great designer.
Fees and service levels
The service comes in two versions, a free account and a $6.95 a month or $59 a year option. The biggest difference between them is the level of reporting, the free version must show the SiteMeter button image and only remembers the details of the last 100 visitors. Having said that the paid version only remembers the last 4,000 visitors so a highly trafficked blog might be losing out even if they pay. The free version is so light on information it isn’t really worth considering so we will look at what is available on the fee service.
There is a nice brief snapshot of your traffic on the summary page. This shows your total and average visits and pages and a real nice touch is wherever visits or page views are mentioned the same colours are used throughout. This consistency shows a care and attention to detail.
Pretty much everything is there, but a big omission is unique visitors and return visitors. This is probably down to the constraint of only storing x number of visitors. It’s a statistic that advertisers want to see and makes “visits” more meaningful. For example you could have a small number of visitors skewing your visit figures if they visit multiple times a day. Return visitors would give an indication of your sites stickiness.
The rest looks exactly as you would want with referring sites, entry and exit pages, etc and it all seems clear enough. No blog specific information is collected, this is generic webmaster stuff.
So it all looks pretty basic but is quite a serviceable little package. It is quite an achievement for what seems to be a one person operation. Having said that it does need a designers touch and I can’t help but feel it is a little lacking. With a bit of investment I am sure it could really rock.
Performancing Stats, 2wks After Going Live
I tend not to pay huge attention to site stats with blogs, other than to the metrics that matter to me most. These tend to be RSS based (bloglines subs, etc) and the amount of visible activity i see when using the site – ie. active discussions.
I was looking through some of these things this afternoon and thought i’d share a few interesting ones with you. We’ve been live for 2wks and 1day, and for that kind of timeframe, i think we’re doing pretty good…
Feed Stats
We use FeedBurner for feed stats, we even go to interview FB CEO Dick Costolo recently and love the service! Here’s a few stats from FeedBurner:
Feed Circulation
823 is the exact count today – yeah!
Aggregator Breakdown
No big surprises there, bloglines pulling a respectable 35%
Member / Contributor Stats
There’s a very neat Hall of Fame Module for Drupal based blogs, and you can see how our members and contributors stack up here.
Remember, when viewing those top figures on that page that we’ve been live for 2wks, but were working in stealth on this project for some time before that 🙂
We’ve had some marvellous story submissions here at Performancing since we started, and I’d personally like to encourage anyone with something worthy of the professional blogging communities attention to go right ahead and submit a story. All the details are in the link above.
Also, a big thankyou! to our existing contributors and site editors — I think they’re doing a smashing job of keeping us all interested, and sharing their expertise.
Nice work everyone!
Sweatin’ The Details
Last week we had a great discussion on Favicons (funny that a 16×16 pixel graphic would be the hottest discussion on Performancing thus far). But the theories behind the differing opinions were interesting: should you skip the little things, so you can spend all your time writing content, or is it OK to ‘waste’ hours (days?) making sure everything on your blog is perfect?
[Read more…] about Sweatin’ The Details
Do You Have What it Takes to be a Blog Overlord?
Blogging isn’t for everyone. Take me: my personal strengths include marketing and management, but do not include writing (at least, writing quickly or consistently).
Are you good at this stuff, but just don’t have the will to write every day for the next year? Then maybe you need to skip the blogging itself — perhaps you’re cut out to be a blog overlord.
Now, don’t get me wrong. Running a blog network is a ton of work: selecting niches, building designs and templates, building links, finding authors, managing authors, etc. And it takes money too (unless you can convince authors to go on rev-share, which hasn’t proven to be very successful in most cases).
The work involved in running a blog network is certainly more time-consuming than just writing would be. But the kicker is that the work is varied. As a blog overlord, I don’t have to do the same thing every day. On Tuesday I might be building links (tedious), but at least I know I’ll be skinning some sites on Wednesday, and reviewing authors on Thursday.
But back to the massive amounts of work.
To be a blog overlord, you’ll need…
* tons of time
* money to get you to break-even point (where the ad revenues coming in are equal to the amount you’re spending on posts)
* money for initial promotion, advertising or link buiding (optional)
* tons more time
* knowledge of all aspects of blog management and monetization, including design, content, legal issues, working with writers, link building, advertising programs (and implementation)
* willingness to do tedious, thankless, annoying tasks like cut and pasting the “subscribe to bloglines” button on all of your templates, or submitting each blog to the major blog directories
Of course, you can partner with people to get those skills, but then you have to share the pie, too. Seriously, though, it’s a huge time and money commitment, so why would you do it? That brings me too…
The advantages of being a blog overlord
* ownership of content – especially the archives (over time these can make a lot of money. Visitors find these archived pages via SEs, and a sizable percentage of them click on the ads. The archives alone from several of my own blogs make me 4 figures a month in ad revenue. I’m talking old posts.)
* diversification of channels and risk – you can own blogs in a lot of different channels, even ones which you personally would not have the knowledge to blog about.
* the glamour and fame – check that
* scale – I could probably write for 5 blogs by myself, but by hiring people I have been able to launch dozens of blogs per year
So who are the blog overlords?
As it turns out, there are quite a few of them, and more pop up every day. The networks range in size from half a dozen blogs to close to a hundred, and there’s a lot of variation in terms of channels, biz models, size, quality, management structure, etc. In my opinion there is money to be made simply by playing to your strengths and ensuring monetization is a priority (for a few of these networks, it doesn’t seem to be).
Anyway, now that I’ve explained how I make gobs of money by being a blog overlord, please do not pay any attention to it, the last thing I want is more competition 😉
Hosted Blog Service Wishlist
There is definitely a market for fully-hosted blogs. During my recent reviews of blog software I noted how difficult it would be for a non-techy to set up their own blog using off the shelf software and hosting. Here is my wish-list for a hosted blog.
I am a techy. I am the worst kind of techy, the tinkerer techy who likes to take things apart and try and put them back together “just because”. Not a big market for people like me but you would have thought I was the blog software developers target audience. The software requires knowledge of web server software and database management systems for the most part, some even require you to add programming modules. Why? Do they dislike their users that much? Is it elitism? I doubt it, I expect it is purely because they build the software for their own use and have the generosity to make it available for the rest of us.
Fair enough, you can just sign up to an online blog service. You can have your own domain on some services (which is a must for the vast majority of professional bloggers). A start but by no means enough if you want to make the most of the medium.
If you want to be a professional blogger then you need a wide choice of initial templates and full control of template HTML and Javascript code to add advertising and branding. Ideally you should be able to plop in freely available modules too as easy as selecting a template theme. If it’s not asking too much it would be good to get decent stats.
Does such a beast exist?
The compromise solution seems to be to use one of the 3rd party hosting companies who allow you to setup your blog from the control panel. This solves the installation aspect but surely the rest could be made much easier? Even if this was a premium service I am sure there would be a market for an all you can eat, easy to use professional package.
Last wish would be that the whole thing would come with a good SLA. I realise that hosting this beast would be tricky, particularly if it was very popular, but surely there would be some way to get 99% uptime? Perhaps a load balanced solution?
The blog market is growing, the people coming in now are not early adopters they are possibly the early mainstream. Once they get the bug they are going to want to make money from their work, at least one enterprising blog service must recognise this?
Is there a service out there that meets these needs now? Are any planned?