This is truly a unique looking and yet stylish icon set featuring a couple of well known icons as well as some social love. There are 14 icons total all in PNG format with 1 image in JPG format. These icons are sure to give you a unique identity unless everyone else starts using them! Here is what the full pack looks like.
Performancing Job Board 10-19-2008
Another week has gone by with more job openings being published to the job board. Lets take a look and see what we have this week.
do-follow blog commenters needed 300$+ per month earnings(URGENT) – This person nees 5-10 people for a blog commenting campaign. The poster states that $10.00 will be paid for every 100 comments published. (non-negotiable)
Feature Writers Wanted! Earn $250+/month! – is looking for feature writers who can focus on interesting music topics. They are looking for people who are insightful and have a distinct voice and opinion. Feature writers will only have to write 1 article a week. Articles must be unique, eye catching, insightful, and noteworthy.
need blogger to help promote webinars. – Thomas has a free webinar but does not have a sales force to build online leads. He is looking for people to help him expose his webinar.
Personal Finance, Money Saving Ideas and Frugal Blogger Wanted – Sean Lewis is looking for a top quality blogger, to write posts about how to save money, how to live frugally and general “personal finance” stories. Ideally the blogger should be UK focused, but we also have a large percent of readers from the USA. This is a hot topic at the moment with the credit crunch kicking.
Fashion & lifestyle blog vacancies – London based fashion & lifestyle blog launching this month has two vacancies for freelance bloggers. The blog is general fashion, trends, celebrity fashion/gossip and lifestyle commentary aimed at 20-40 yr old women, ABC demographic with some bias towards being a tall woman/fashion for tall women.
If you are looking for a blogging job or you’re an employer looking for somewhere to place your job ad, be sure to check out the Performancing Job board. There are no fees for publishing jobs.
Project Launchpad: See It Skip It
This is the second installment of the Project Launchpad series. This time around, the project launcher is iisbum from the hive and the name of the project is See It Skip It. iisbum has been a member of the Hive community since February, 2008.
Jeff – What is the purpose of See It Skip It?
iisbum – Trailers play a huge part in deciding if you want to see a movie or not, regardless of who wrote, starred, or directed the movie. Reviews and recommendations are probably the single most important factor, but those tend to come after the movies has been in theaters for a while, by rating the trailers, See It Skip It can help you decide if you want to see the movie before it has been released.
Jeff – Why would I want to visit this site over the Internet Movie Database?
iisbum –IMDB is an awesome site, I visit it all the time. It is a great information resource, however like most other movie review sites, the information as whether you should or should not go to see a movie can come a little late. Like most people I like to go watch movies as soon as they are released, and there are a handful each week, picking one to watch is the tricky part — something that I hope See It Skip It can help with.
Jeff – What sort of technology or software is running behind the scenes?
iisbum –The website is custom built on a standard LAMP architecture using a proprietary PHP framework that I developed myself. The website does some RSS aggregation and parsing to help us identify new trailers as they become available. A simple CMS allows us to quickly and easily update the site.
Jeff – Do you think that those who come across the site will base their notion of watching a movie based on the number of skip it or see it votes the trailer has received?
iisbum –If the Internet has done anything it has empowered everyone to research and make up there own mind about things, but with the little amount of free time people seem to have these days, I think people may base their desire to watch the movie trailer based on user voting, let alone the movie itself. But like all things, the voting is just a guide and people will use that as another factor in their decision making process.
Jeff – What are some things you have planned for the site now that the launch has occurred?
iisbum – There are two things that I would like to focus on now that the site has launched (other than continuing to add movies and trailers to the site).
The blog is going to be an important part of the site to keep people informed what is happening on the site and with movie and trailer related news. I would also like to extend the rating system to the movies itself to we can measure how well the trailer represents the quality of the movie.
Jeff – Is there anything you would like to tell our audience with regards to the site?
iisbum –I see people building websites all the time, just to turn a penny, and whilst that is very possible I encourage people to work with something they are passionate about. I am a big fan of movies and that was one of the reasons I built this website, I hope it will be profitable but it takes hard work and time for that to happen, and its far easier to do that with something that you are passionate about.
The Hive is filled with an abundant amount of talent, so much so that most of the members are launching their own projects. As a way of saying thanks to them for being a part of this wonderful community, I will be featuring projects from time to time from these individuals. These projects may consist of services, new websites, software, ebooks, etc. If you are interested in having your project seen by almost 10,000 RSS subscribers and thousands more unique visitors, join the Hive and become part of the collective.
Interview With All In One SEO Plugin Author
Recently, I had the opportunity to interview the author behind the plugin, The All In One SEO Pack. This is by far the most popular plugin downloaded from the WordPress plugin repository and within this interview, we discuss the topic of SEO, what it is like to manage the most popular plugin within the repository, configuration of the plugin and last but not least, we dive around the aspect of what could happen if you mis configured the plugin.
The interview is about 45 minutes long but it is filled with tons of great information as it relates to SEO, WordPress and plugins.
Download The Interview:
Listen To The Interview:
DoFollow Search Engine
The other day while traversing through my blog referral links, I noticed a search query coming from a site that had DoFollow in the domain name. Upon closer inspection, I discovered that the site was a DoFollow search engine that allegedly indexes thousands of blog posts from 400 or more blogs.
I still feel as if having the DoFollow attribute enabled is another magnet for comment spam. However, if you feel the need to only comment on blogs that pass along a few drops of Google Juice, this search engine might be of help to you. Let me know if you perform a search of your blog or blog posts and come up with any results.
Although in the past, I have stated that I use DoFollow on my own personal blog. However, I have since changed my mind and have disabled the DoFollow plugin.
Today Is BlogActionDay – Poverty
BlogActionDay is a day set aside for thousands of bloggers to unite to discuss a single issue with this year being poverty. The organization aims to raise awareness, initiate action and to shake up the web. BlogTalkRadio is hosting a 12 hour talkathon today starting at 12 P.M. EST. Notables such as Chris Garret, Easton Ellsworth, Liz Strauss and others will be appearing at some point during the 12 hour broadcast. Those blogs who are participating in the BlogActionDay event that are mentioned on air will have one hour to call into the show to claim prizes donated to BTR by sponsors.
To take part in this event, I am donating $100.00 on behalf of Performancing. The money will go towards a charity of the winners choice who is fighting poverty.
BlogActionDay is a shining example of how the web can be used to raise awareness surrounding a particular issue. Thousands of individuals will be working together, publishing their thoughts, ideas, and solutions to fight poverty. Will you be one of them?
WordPress 2.7 Now Frozen
Ryan Boren, one of the lead developers of the project recently announced to the WP-Hackers mailing list that WordPress 2.7 is officially feature frozen. What does this mean? No more new features will be added into the core. The focus will now be on cleaning up the code, ensuring things work the way they are supposed to and then getting a beta out to the public to hammer out as many bugs as possible. According to Ryan, the visual design is not yet complete and there are still a few sections remaining that need some work such as the categories and tags screens.
I’ve personally set myself up to REALLY participate in this round of version testing as I have not contributed in this aspect of the project since I’ve started using the software. Here are the features in 2.7 that need testing:
- Core Upgrade
- Plugin Browsing/Installation
- Threaded Comments
- Comment Paging
- Back End Overall
For those of you wondering, here is what WordPress 2.7 looks like as of October 14, 2008. This look could and possibly will change before the official release.
A couple things to notice in this screenshot. The VIEW SITE link that used to display to the right of the blog title is now an image that resembles the same icon you would see in software menus in Windows. Also, take a look at the left hand navigation menu. Those double arrows can be used to either hide or show the menu enabling users to maximize their screen real estate if need be. The PAGE OPTIONS when clicked on slides open a window where you can select what to hide or show on the dashboard. For instance, if you don’t want to see QuickPress or the Recent Comments sections of the dashboard, simply de-select them.
This is a sample of what the comment moderation area looks like in 2.7. The QUICK EDIT link opens the comment editor inline which saves time editing comments. One other link worth noticing is the REPLY link. Similar to how the WP COMMENT REMIX plugin provides the ability to reply to comments from the backend, WordPress 2.7 will now have this functionality out of the box.
The WordPress theme repository has not yet made it into the core of WordPress. Considering 2.7 is under feature freeze, it looks like we won’t see that until possibly, WordPress 2.8. These two areas of WordPress are just samplings of what may be awaiting us come November 10th. (Tentative release date). If you’d like to take a look around and play with WordPress 2.7 before it’s initial release, check out the WordPress Demo site headed up by Chris Johnston. The site is reloaded every 15 minutes with a fresh install of the latest bleeding edge version of WordPress. Instead of installing it locally on your server or messing with subversion, you can use this demo and not have to worry about breaking something. Login information is as follows: Username: admin Password: demo. If you notice that the login information is not working, point your browser to and run the upgrade script. Then try logging in again.
Overall, I’m pretty stoked about WordPress 2.7, how about you?
Improving WordPress Navigation
John Pratt recently published a guest post on entitled, 10 ways to improve the navigation within WordPress. Some of the tips include: Adding breadcrumbs, bold pagination on single pages, multi paged navigation, and related posts. The list even includes links to plugins which you can use to put some of the tips in action.
On my own WordPress blog, I am using tips 2, variation of 3, 4, and 6. Have you worked on improving your WordPress blog navigation lately?
Don’t forget about the Exclude Pages plugin as that can help you improve navigation as well.