Today Is BlogActionDay – Poverty

BlogActionDay is a day set aside for thousands of bloggers to unite to discuss a single issue with this year being poverty. The organization aims to raise awareness, initiate action and to shake up the web. BlogTalkRadio is hosting a 12 hour talkathon today starting at 12 P.M. EST. Notables such as Chris Garret, Easton Ellsworth, Liz Strauss and others will be appearing at some point during the 12 hour broadcast. Those blogs who are participating in the BlogActionDay event that are mentioned on air will have one hour to call into the show to claim prizes donated to BTR by sponsors.

To take part in this event, I am donating $100.00 on behalf of Performancing. The money will go towards a charity of the winners choice who is fighting poverty.

BlogActionDay is a shining example of how the web can be used to raise awareness surrounding a particular issue. Thousands of individuals will be working together, publishing their thoughts, ideas, and solutions to fight poverty. Will you be one of them?

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