In tonights episode of Perfcast, David and I grilled Jim Kukral on a variety of subjects including:
- Personal Branding
- The Definition of the word “Brand”
- Establishing a brand
- The work involved with running a business based on a brand
- Do you need to be the first one in the market in order to succeed
- How blogs have become the easiest way to build a brand
- The benefits of video and podcasting
We also had Jim explain the various projects and services he is operating such as and Last but not least, Jim gave us a heads up as to how he is going about writing and then publishing his new book, “Blend This Book”. We ended the show by having Jim answer some user submitted questions we received through the chat.
This episode contains a wide assortment of information all about branding. I guarantee that if you listen to this episode, you’ll learn a new thing or two that you can apply to your own marketing efforts.
Guest BIO:
Jim Kukral is a web marketer & coach, speaker, long-time award-winning blogger, customer evangelist, writer, online monetization expert, and well, a bunch of other things. For years Jim has been working on the bleeding edge of web marketing and business. From owning his own web firms to consulting for some of the world’s largest companies, Jim Kukral has experienced just about everything web related you can think of. That’s why Jim has become one of the Industry’s most sought after consultants and public speakers.
LENGTH OF EPISODE – 1 Hour 17 Minutes
NEXT EPISODE – November 20th, 2008 at 7 P.M. EST (Special guest will be Darren Rowse)
ITUNES – Click here to subscribe to the show via iTunes
DOWNLOAD THE SHOW: PerfcastEpisode12.mp3