Do you use ma.gnolia? If so, then you already know about the implosion which occurred with the services data on January 30th. According to a statement now on the front page of the magnolia website, the site experienced not only data corruption, but data loss as well.
For Ma.gnolia, this means that the service is offline and members’ bookmarks are unavailable, both through the website itself and the API. As I evaluate recovery options, I can’t provide a certain timeline or prognosis as to to when or to what degree Ma.gnolia or your bookmarks will return; only that this process will take days, not hours.
Magnolia is providing updates on the situation through their Twitter account. Not long ago, a similar incident happened To JournalSpace.
These incidents are stark reminders that perhaps placing all of our data into the cloud is not such a great idea, especially when companies are not establishing appropriate backup procedures. Taking into consideration how cheap storage is these days, not having a proper backup of user data is completely unacceptable. This is also a good reminder that these services need to be providing easy ways for their users to take their data/content off of the sites for end user backup purposes.
Do you think that this is a new trend? Web 2.0 sites and services imploding?