Following up on my post from yesterday, I’m going to recommend that website and blog owners take a more proactive role in orchestrating the flow of PageRank throughout the site.
The best way to do this is to add the NoFollow attribute to any site-wide links that you don’t expect users to “search for” in a search engine. Examples include pages such as “About” , “Contact” , “Advertise” etc.
Why Is It Important
Without the nofollow attribute, these sitewide pages look uber-important to the search engines, when in fact, they are of less importance to your users than your meatier content.
With the nofollow attribute, you intentionally “strengthen” the pages on your site that you consider “centrally important” and weaken the pages on your site that you consider “peripherally important.” Your are, in effect, magnifying your best content.
What You Should Do
In general, my recommendation is to add the rel="nofollow"
attribute inside your
In it’s current state, each instance of this link on your site (every page) passes PageRank to the target URL and increases its perceived significance in relation to the other pages on your site. To fix this problem, you could try this code:
The above code will completely stop the flow of any internal pagerank to the “Advertise” page. But perhaps you don’t want to stop the flow completely. To solve this problem, you could simply create a SiteMap page which provides a single PageRank passing link into the Advertise page. That way, the URL will still receive a little bit of internal PageRank.
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