Reading Davids Blog Herald post made me think about some of the characters we meet around the world of blogging. His post is about how while some blogs are big enough that they do not need to promote, or might even think they are above such things, the rest of us need to promote our content in order for it to be seen.
Immediately I thought of the blogging snobs, but then I realized how easy it is to slip into that thinking. We always think our opinions are reasonable, it is “other” people who are snobs, right? Have a look to see if you have ever caught yourself thinking these snobby thoughts …
- Selling links is below me
- Asking for links is below me
- Asking for Diggs is below me
- Content is King, my content is good enough that I don’t need to promote it
- My blog is that good, I don’t need to link out or comment
- Blogger and are for noobs
- Ugh, another MyBlogLog widget
For someone who spends their days telling other people how they should blog it might seem hypocritical 🙂 But really, who are we to judge how other people blog?
I am going to take my own advice and think carefully about if I am being snobby next time I spout off. Do you encounter blog snobbery? Please let us know with your comments ..
I will name a blog snob I dealt with recently. Maybe you won’t agree, it is just my personal opinion.
My blog is a company blog, so when I comment, I usually put my name as Advice Network. I then try to leave helpful comments, germane, on topic. I don’t believe in comment spam.
However, Colleen from asked me not to comment on her blog unless I used my real name.
What do you think? Is she being a snob?
You’ll find snobs everywhere you go – offline or online. The key is to work with those people that share your same values and strategies.
I see this all the time, especially on forums. Everyone has differing opinions and sure heated discussions do happen but most of the time they are within reason. It’s those with the attitudes that their opinions are the only ones that matter that are usually the problem. While it might be ok to have an opinion, it’s not always ok to share that opinion!
Opinions are good, I think there is a difference between holding an opinion and feeling superior, or looking down on fellow bloggers because of an opinion, right?
Chris. Strong opinions don’t always equal snobbishness. I think it’s healthy to have strong opinions.
I see this all.the.time.
It is quite difficult to overcome with clients just getting into blogging, especially if they’ve come from a newsletter/press release background.
Participation online goes beyond just POSTING. To you and I it’s easy to understand. But many are stuck in the consumer-oriented production mode despite the participatory Internet.
Scott Clark
Web Marketing Consultant