After a lot of work we are proud to announce the release of our first theme Nightlife For WordPress.
It’s a custom creation by Brian Gardner our in house design guru here at Performancing.
This site is your how-to guide for Performancing themes for WordPress, all rolled into one stylish package! By taking advantage of the information offered here, you’ll be able to maximize the potential of this amazing and unique theme.
We want you to enjoy Nightlife as much as we do, which is why we’ve created this site to support the growth and maturation of the themes. Think of this place as a living, breathing set of instructions for Nightlife and other Performancing Themes. You want an answer? Ask a question. You want to contribute? Share the love in the comments, or head on over to the Performancing Community Forum.
Update: Nightlife has been updated for compatibility with WordPress 2.7 and up. Download the latest version now.