It’s a thought that has been running around my head lately but seeing this quote at WorkBoxers really crystallised it:
Below are some quotes I found on the Super Affiliate Cloning Blog from people who seem to be brainwashed by the idea of making money online. It’s damaging their lives and I hate to see it.
Even a year ago people would say to me “blogging? What’s that”, now people ask how they can “tell their boss where to shove it” and become a full time blogger. I think there are some unrealistic expectations being propagated.
We have said over and over that blogging is hard work and while you can make an income if you are in full time employment right now it is probably best to have your blogging as a side project until your blogging revenue is sufficient to pay your bills. Unfortunately it seems a lot of people are jumping in before they even have a blog.
My hope would be more bloggers can make some cash from their efforts when we release Partners, but even then I hope people are realistic about planning their income.
I have no evidence to back this up but I predict that the majority of people who earn a living from blogging make their money out of all their activities combined, it will have to be the rarest and most successful of bloggers who make all their money from one blog. Look at Darren, problogger himself. It’s not that earns him his crust, he has a share in a blog network, a blogging course and several of his own blogs.
Snake-oil sales letters are out there making all sorts of promises of instant riches via spammy scripts, guaranteed success plans and SEO-scheme-of-the-week. Do not believe it. If only it was true we would all be rich!
If you are hoping to make a living out of blogging here are some more realistic tips
- Don’t have any illusions about it being your sole income until you see evidence in your bank account
- Diversify, do not rely on one blog or one income stream
- Choose your niches carefully
- Experiment with formats, layout and article types
- Analyse your traffic and do more of what works
- Market yourself and your blog, write killer headlines, linkbait
- Network network network – a good portion of success comes from who you know
- Consider a paying gig as well as your own blogs
- Join a team or a network if you feel you haven’t got all necessary skills but can write
- Keep at it, the rewards take a while to arrive so it takes stamina