Danny Sullivan’s SearchEngineWatch.com is nothiing short of an institution among Search geeks — The news that he’s leaving both the site, and the SES conferences is pretty sad.
Jupiter Media sold SEW to Incisive last year, and apparently they’re too thick to cut Danny a slice of the pie:
I explained these reservations at the very beginning of my relationship with Incisive, that I needed some long-term incentive for helping them continue to grow and strengthen the site and conferences. After over a year of talks, that’s failed to materialize. As a result, I’m departing.
Good luck Danny, it’ll be interesting to see what comes next…
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Well, I’m by no means any type of hardcore SEO type, but I know enough to know that Danny Sullivan is practically synonomous with SEW. The two essentially meant one and the same to me.
And yes, there are more non-SEO types paying attention to SEO nowadays, which means they subscribe to a lot of the more prominent SEO blogs.
And what are all of them saying about it? Pretty much what Nick is saying.
The non-seo crowd may not just up and abandon SEW, but they will also go where the SEO experts point them, and we end up back with Danny.
Not necessarily the end of SEW, but it could hurt.
No downside at all for Danny, and he’ll likely end up better off.
Isn’t it the seo crowd that put money into the company?
The SEO crowd will follow Danny, but how many of the non SEO crowd will understand what has happened or even care?
Yeah got to agree Brian and Jay, all too often media companies think the “product is bigger than the personality”, and in some cases that is true to an extent (I will watch Dr Who or go see a superman movie whoever is playing the lead part) but in other cases this is absolutely not true, as in this case.
There will soon be a vacancy at Incisive for an Asset/Human Resources manager because the dummy who let Danny get away – likely without a non-competition agreement – will be leaving the building.
Bright as the people who helped Danny are, they are not the reason to go to Search Engine Watch.
That’s what media companies don’t get… it’s not about them or thier “brand”, it’s the people we actually listen to. Not smart.