Most of us can spot a stinker of a blog at 100 paces but can you recognise the properties that separate the lame from the great in your own blog? Let’s take a look at the 10 qualities your blog must have to succeed. [Read more…] about 10 Key Ingredients of a Great Blog
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3 Problems Business Bloggers Face
If you are business blogger (or a blogger chasing the dream of a high-paying business blogging gig), here are a few problems that you probably face (or will face) and some suggestions on dealing with them.
1. Despite our best efforts, traditional marketing circles still don’t take blogging seriously
The benefits of blogging – for organizations, businesses (big and small) and individuals – are evident to us bloggers, but not so clear to most other people. Especially when you talk about corporate blogging, there’s a knee-jerk tendency to dismiss blogging as being a waste of time and to concentrate instead on more traditional means of advertising and connecting with customers.
Chris Garrett hits it on the head when he says that “there needs to be a distinction between offering writing services and providing a blog service”. Bloggers are NOT merely $5/post writers – they have a lot more to offer and as Raj discusses here, it is best to offer your services as part of a package (including blogging, metrics analysis, research, knowledge of an industry, etc.) and it is a very effective way to demonstrate that blogging is a cost-effective and reasonable alternative to traditional advertising.
At the end of the day, corporate blogs are customer-relations management (CRM) tools, and should be promoted as such. I’ve talked about this more in point 3, but the main idea is that in order to “sell” blogging, you have to talk to organizations and businesses in their language and tell them how you will benefit them using metrics that they are familiar and comfortable with. This isn’t always possible with blogging and its intangible benefits but if there is anything that I’ve learned from direct marketing and copyblogging is that the results often speak for themselves.
Experience in blogging will be your biggest bargaining chip when you are up against the traditional media. So if you haven’t already, start a professional blog and work your butt off on it. For practice, you can always write on Performancing…
And remember, just because you write does not mean that you should undervalue your services. If you know how to write in order to achieve specific objectives (i.e. copy blogging) and if you can write with passion about your chosen topic, you have every reason to price yourself high (and thus cherry-pick the jobs available to you). It all goes back to ‘packaging’ – how you present yourself and what value you can effectively project. It’s important to show clients in ‘measurable’ terms what you will do for them and how they will benefit from hiring you.
2. Some bloggers are too full of themselves
You may not agree with me here but that’s fine. My point here is that while I’ve seen the wonderful benefits of blogging first-hand, some bloggers don’t have enough respect for the elements that made them such big names in the blogosphere in the first place. Also, owning a popular blog just means that you have a platform through which you can make yourself heard to a lot of people – it doesn’t make you right.
Being arrogant doesn’t work, especially when the cost of entry in the blogging field is so little and the knowledge to succeed is also present for free on websites such as ProBlogger and Performancing. The values and skills that allow a blogger to become popular are also the same ones that will allow him/her to keep on improving and not fall back down to the ground.
You might be a successful blogger, but that is worth jack if you are not able to sell your ideas effectively to a big business. It’s all about what you can do for the client, and in that case it doesn’t matter how popular a blogger you are – what matters is how popular a blog you can establish for your client.
3. Bloggers don’t know how to pitch themselves to companies
In the comments of my last article on Exchange, TCWriter and Brian Clark talked about pitching blogs to the companies you wish to write for and to choose your clients instead of having them choose you. While I totally agree with that approach, the problem here is that most aspiring bloggers have no idea (and little experience) in pitching their blogs.
- Pitch blogs to companies that need them
Instead of waiting for an opportunity to come knocking, be proactive and look around you for businesses big and small that would benefit from having corporate blogs. To an extent, this means that any company without a blog is fair game to be approached. But here you also have to consider whether you would be interested in writing about this topic, whether they are willing to pay enough, and whether this is a company that you would wish to be associated with (i.e. financially).
- Pitch to companies you wish to write for
Is there a topic that interests you so much that you would be willing to write about it for free? Is there something that you spend hours reading / chatting about every day? For me, that topic is football. For you, it could a hobby, a topic related to your work or even a subject you are interested in learning about. No matter what the topic is – if you can write passionately about it, you can probably make money blogging about it.
And if there is money to be made, you will invariably find companies to whom you can pitch your blog to.
The best part about writing on a topic you are passionate about is that your work will almost always be a higher quality than those of ‘hired guns’ and you can use your additional knowledge (plus other services) as leverage for a high-paying deal.
- Talk to companies in a language they will understand
Earlier I talked about how it was important to show clients in ‘measurable’ terms what you will do for them and how they will benefit from hiring you. If you want to sell the idea of a corporate blog to, let’s say, a major telecommunications network, you’ll need to highlight how blogging will help them retain their present customer base and will be a cost-effective alternative to traditional advertising in acquiring new customers. To make something like this work you need to do some concrete research on advertising spends in the industry and compare that with the costs of viral marketing, creating link bait, etc.
If you go in prepared, and can back your PR spin with hard, cold facts (making sure that the ‘selling’ of benefits takes precedence over presenting facts), it becomes hard for any company to say no (especially if they know that you could just as easily go to a rival and set up shop for them.
Needless to say the above advice can be adapted for any industry you choose to work in.
- Make yourself part of the pitch
Slightly contentious point, but I think that you might do too well a job of selling the idea and not too good a job of selling yourself. The only way you close the deal, get the check signed and have the money deposited in your account is when you are part and parcel of the blog pitch that you are making. It is your knowledge, your skills and your passion which will make the hypothetical success a reality.
I said this at the beginning, but it is worth repeating – blogging and its benefits are self-evident to us but not to those executives who have based their careers on traditional advertising and media. You have to sell blogging to them and for your own benefit, you need a valuable proposal that includes you as part of the package you are offering.
Just because the startup costs are low does not mean that it requires any less effort than selling any other type of product. The same principles of selling that apply to information products online or face-to-face salesmanship apply to getting hired as a business blogger as well.
10 Reasons Why Blogging for PR and Marketing Works
Just like the early days of the internet where people wanted to keep the capitalists out of Usenet, and history repeated with the web, even now it seems there are still people who want to keep marketing out of blogging. For me this is just daft, the web is a reflection of the real world and the real world contains people who want to buy and sell products and services. Get over it.
So those concerns aside, should companies look at blogging as a marketing channel? Any company should at least look into blogs. I really believe that, and in fact I have recommended blogs as a solution a couple of times even during my brief spell away from the marketing world. What is this belief based on?
[Read more…] about 10 Reasons Why Blogging for PR and Marketing Works
How To Beat The Blank Page of Doom
Sometimes when I write blog posts I know what I want to say but struggle with how to say it. Do you ever have that problem? I guess it is partly due to my perfectionism, and maybe kind of down to my now infamous “analysis paralysis”. There are just so many times I can rewrite the start of a post before the post gets too late to publish!
Here is my approach for combating this affliction. It is not perfect by any means but hopefully you guys can help me improve upon it.
- Know what you are going to say – The most important thing to remember is that you need to have formulated what you are going to write about before you can write it. Some of my posts evolve but they always have a core message that I am trying to get across. Work this out before sitting at the scary blank screen from hell.
- Have a point, just one – This isn’t so much a rule but more a tip, it is easier to write a post about one key point than more complicated multi-point articles.
- Write your title – I leave my title to the end here, in fact usually Nick writes them – he is so much better at it than me, elsewhere though I am on my own so spend a lot of effort (not always effort that shows) on getting headlines right. They can attract the majority of your readers but also help in the writing of the post itself.
- Beginning, Middle, End – Recall what you learned at school, you need an introduction, something to tease the reader to keep reading, then you need to make your point and summarise at the end.
- Imagine a virtual reader – I find it helps to articulate what I need to say by imagining someone at the other end. What do they need to hear? What parts need explaining? Will they find it interesting the way I am presenting it? Do I need to be funny here?
- Use an outline – Sometimes I write posts as bullet points then rewrite as paragraphs, other times I leave them as bullets. I find outlines very useful for structuring my posts especially as I have a really bad memory.
- Write it out as an email – If you have difficulty starting the actual writing you might find it easier to write it out as an email to your friend. A lot of people go into “formal thesis” mode when writing that they would never do in an email. While an email and a blog post are not identical, it will help you get the information across in a more relaxed way. You might find there are less changes necessary between email and post than you expect.
- Call a friend – The act of explaining what you need to do can be enough to break the back of it, but also a friendly conversation about the topic can bring out a lot of unexpected and interesting angles. Some of my best posts here have been after discussing the subject with Nick.
- Tell the cat, ornament or a rubber toy – This will sound daft but try it, it works. Just like telling a friend can help sort out your issue in your own mind it even works with inanimate or uninterested objects and pets. Because you have to make sense of a problem in your own mind in order to explain it to someone else you do not even need a reply, just to articulate it. The best name for this I have heard is “Rubberducking“. I usually tell my friend Bender the robot my problems. He doesn’t care.
- Just get it out of your system – Just write, get it out of your head. Pump it onto the page as a stream of conciousness. Some people find editing much easier than writing.
- Edit Edit Edit – Don’t expect to get it right first time, you can edit until you have it the best you can make it.
- Walk away – If you find you are spending too long on it then you will get brain cramp. Walk away, get some fresh air, make some tea. In fact I recommend this regardless, I find I can improve whatever I do with some time away from it if you have the opportunity.
- Read it back, aloud – The written word and the spoken word can be quite different beasts, strange thing is a lot of us actually silently vocalise in our minds as we read. If there are any awkward passages that trip up our minds tongue it can be very off-putting. Reading your content aloud can overcome this, highlighting places to make edits and making the final work easier to digest.
- Post it and move on – At the end it is worth remembering you are not aiming for a Pulitzer, just a great blog post. Rather than agonising until the cows come home, get it as good as you can make it, post it up and move on to the next one.
As I say above I am pretty much an “agonise until the cows come home” kind of guy myself, I know what it is like. These points and tips work for me though usually so I hope you find some use out of them.
Do you ever suffer from the “blank page of doom”? Please do share your own advice in the comments.
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Tips for Avoiding Summer Blog Death
Every summer, comments and participation tend to drop off on most community sites, and we’re no exception. You have to have some serious critical mass for it not to affect you. But now is not the time to slack off on posting, on providing value to the users who aren’t out having fun in the sun. The folks who are still commenting represent the core of your audience, the absolute die-hard, passionate, and above all loyal, cream of the crop. So clearly you should use them as guinea pigs for your summer blog experiments heh….
Tips for Avoiding Summer Blog Death
Some of these I’ve tried and some are just ideas, but off the top of my head here are a few thoughts on beating Summer Blog Death:
- Post shorter posts, but post more often.
- Experiment with new features, newsletters, styles and designs, community tools (you can lay the groundwork here for when september comes, try to work out what will be killer, and what will be shit)
- Hold competions, polls, and generally break out of the norm for a bit
- Arrange a blog carnival
- Recruit guest authors from your core audience, and go to the beach for the day
- Do reader spotlights, the Blog Heralds How I Blog series is a great example of this and the point above
- Invite readers to ask a question on your topic, make a series of it.
I’d love to add to the list, buti i have to go play in the sun… If you can think of more, add them in the comments, or tell us what you’re doing to get through the summer…
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HOWTO: Create Intelligent Amazon Associates Ads
In Create Intelligent Blog Ads Part 1 and Part 2 we used a little bit of PHP magic to make our ads work a little bit harder and become just a bit more relevant to our audience. We used cookies, search engine referrals and even the visitors geographical location. In this post I will show you an experiment I have been testing using Amazon Associates.
Amazon is one of my favourite affiliate schemes. Because most people have an Amazon account and they pay out if the customer buys something from your referral even if it isn’t the thing you pointed them to, there is often an opportunity to earn just by getting random people to click .. anything. A lot of your visitors will buy something eventually, it’s just a matter of time. So the trick is to get them to take a look using your associates cookie.
The problem is Google does not like you using contextual ads alongside Adsense, they want to be the only contextual advertising in town. Amazon has a contextual product which would be ideal otherwise, and if it worked I guess.
How can we make Amazon banners relevant without manually pointing to a bunch of products? That problem is exactly why I developed this cunning plan.
[Read more…] about HOWTO: Create Intelligent Amazon Associates Ads
10 Step Plan to a Profitable Blog
I was talking last night to a guy I haven’t seen in months. Around the same time I did he stopped focusing on SEO and affiliate sites and started developing a blog. When I was just about to say how cool that was he said he was giving up on blogs and was going to go back to creating mini sites to generate adsense and affiliate income. His decision was based on his conclusion that “blogs are not profitable” and he asserted that I should give up on this blogging lark and “make some real money”.
When I asked him what had made him think this way, he sent me a link to a forum thread containing two huge Adsense cheques. I have to say I have never received a cheque with that many digits before. For a split second I thought I might agree with him. Then I remembered why I left doing the sort of thing he was going back into, I never felt good about the sleazy snake oil part of the internet marketing business, I want to produce something of lasting value. I told him so but he was set on his path, had already bought the domains and his plans were in motion. Good luck to him. Did get me thinking though.
Masses of people get into blogging because they want to get rich, while we have said over and over that blogging is not a magic wand for generating instant riches there is no harm in wanting to earn an income providing your expectations are realistic. That is you might not become a millionaire but it’s very doable to earn a couple to few hundred dollars a month from a moderately popular blog. Enough to pay for your time and buy you some toys, help pay off loans or assist with the mortgage.
How To Turn Link Posts Into Linkbait
Darren at ProBlogger has pointed out an insight from Andrew Garrett (no relation); “No-one links to the linkers”.
By deluding myself that being a human news filter I was adding value, I
was avoiding doing ‘real’ writing. Sure, I was writing a
bit here and there. but not enough to be a draw card.Audiences are like governments – you get the one you deserve. I haven’t yet deserved an audience.
How ironic that I am using this link as as a starting point for a post, hah. While I do agree with the sentiment I think it is worth digging into the subject a little further to add some insights I think I have learned about it from our experience here at Performancing but also Threadwatch where Nick and I had conversations about link posts before.
I actually follow one of Andrews blogs, Digital Shot, and I had noticed his link style of posting. If you look in his archives most of his posts are like this one; “here is something you might be interested in, here is what I think about it”. On other blogs I follow a similar pattern and for the most part Threadwatch was like that too. What is different about Andrews blogs where he feels they are not as successful as they could be?
There are quite a few reasons for Threadwatches success, primary I think is the knowledgeable and outspoken audience that Nick managed to attract, the comments were a draw as much or more than the post. So that is the first insight you can take away and it dovetails nicely with Andrews comment that you need an audience first, to a point. Only Threadwatch was like that from the start so there must be another element missing.
The second element I think must be is the link the content or is the commentary the content? If all you are doing is sending people away, as Andrew suspects, then you need to tweak your style somewhat.
At Threadwatch many of the posts were
- informative
- inflammatory
- funny
- unique
- useful
Think about this for a bit then figure out how they follow Nicks “Linkbait hooks”. You can link to news, you can link to something just to complain or make fun of it, you can point to something useful or point to something people should be aware of. You can do these things and make a linkable post providing the link is just the start, the rest needs to come from you and that part is the Linkbait.
Many of the useful posts were formed in a “here is some news, here is a tip about it” way. By taking a piece of news and imparting some valuable advice the posts became doubly informative; something you didn’t know that was happening AND what to do about it. These sorts of posts gave the audience a competitive advantage.
Unique is an important one; if you are the original source of the link you will get linked to as a “via”, well, by ethical bloggers anyway. Look at BoingBoing, no shortage of inbound links there right? That is because every day you can count on them to link to great stuff before anyone else. If they do link to something already being linked to I don’t care, I can just read one blog and see everything worth seeing. People link to the blog probably as much as individual posts.
If you can’t find unique content to link to then you need to make your post unique content. Rather than “go look at this” have more of “this gave me an idea, here it is”. I hope that is evident in the post you are reading! Another related approach is instead of linking to one resource create a page full on the same topic, gather together all the content you can on the subject so your post becomes the definitive launch point for it.
My final piece of advice is about your motivation for using this style and I don’t think I really need to spell out my thinking. Are you posting this way to save time or because you believe your posts will be useful? …
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