BlogPerfume has created a very nice feed analytics tool called Feed Analysis. This tool allows you to view statistics at various timeframes from your FeedBurner feeds. Unfortunately, there are not many solutions for feed analysis available from some recent searching which I have done. However, I recently found this tool, and it is a definite bookmark for anyone that has a FeedBurner account. I have been using it for the past few weeks, and I think you might enjoy it as well.
The interface is pretty slick considering this tool is developed as a web-based application. Adobe Flash technology is put to good use in this case. It looks amazing, and the graphs are very nicely done. Overall, I am satisfied with the way the application looks, but I wish there was a “quick switch” type feature for the time-frame. I also hope for more options with regard to how the data is displayed in the future, but for a beta product, it is looking great so far.
The purpose of Feed Analysis is to be able to check the performance of your feed over a period of time. Before finding this, I have not been able to properly evaluate previous feed statistics for FeedBurner, but now that problem is solved. You can sort through statistics like subscribers, views, hits, and clicks—you can also see more interesting statistics like the growth rate and projected future totals. While all this information might not be as fulfilling to those who currently monitor their FeedBurner statistics on a daily basis, it certainly paints a picture for those which want to see how things have faired in the past and potentially the future.
Free—We Like That!
Oh, and probably one of the most exciting things about this tool is the fact that it is completely free. It is in beta, but I certainly do hope that it remains free after a final release comes about. It would be a great compliment to the FeedBurner service, and I wouldn’t mind seeing Google borrow a page from BlogPerfume’s book to further improve FeedBurner.
Check Feed Analysis out now, and let me know your thoughts on this application in the comments section. Also, if you know of alternatives, please let us know!