Update: Thanks for all the advice. This has been resolved painlessly.
I’ve had a big dilema this week. Someone ripped off a design I paid dearly for. They said they did it in admiration. But my investment has basically been watered down by the theft. That’s what it is plain and simple. As probloggers we shouldn’t have to deal with this. But alas we do.
This stuff has been happening so often these days I have no way to stay on top of it. In this case I’ve been laid back and haven’t ripped into the person. In days past I would have.
But I’m stumped neither I,nor the designer are happy about it. And yet the person who ripped us off doesn’t seem to understand what they’ve done.
Maybe because I’m so into design I can’t understand it. But what compels people to take CSS modify it slightly and claim it as their own without attribution?
Maybe if I could understand the psychology of it, then it would help. But I merely can’t and probably will never understand.
I need some advice. How should I proceed next? I’m still not happy after conversations, emails, and the like.