Im posting this from the latest version of Performancing Firefox, the #1 blog editor (which just happens to be free! aswell…), and though it’s a more subtle update than some others, it’s about to introduce a whole new level of power to users, designers and programmers…
Grab the BETA version of 1.3, and let us know what you think, or if you find any last minute bugs — we’d really appreciate your help in spotting anything that needs fixing ahead of a general release!
Main New Features
- Support for Addons — PFF can now be extended
- Support for Themes — If some enterprising blog designer doesn’t spot the obvious opportunity here…
- Localization – We have just the one language in so far, Arabic, complete with Right to Left support, but there’s much more to follow as we start contacting all the kind folks who’ve offerend to help — much more on the tremendous effort of our Arabic partners on general release.
Of course there are a number of bug fixes and stability enhancements, but i’ll let Jed talk you through the details when we release in full — there will also be a number of cool tutorials on how to extend and theme PFF 1.3
For now, enjoy, and please let us know what you think, or if you find any last minute bugs!
powered by performancing firefox