Our Ads Move Out to the Wild

Those of you browsing the html version of this site will probably have already noticed that the new Performancing Partners ad format has moved out of testing to the right hand side of our regular pages. They actually make quite nice navigational tools for the various products and services this site offers…

The next step, as i mentioned to our beta group in email, is to get the generic house ad out onto participating sites — that’s not happening today, but it shouldn’t be long, so if you’re interested in helping us build the Partners network, and getting in at the beginning of a great project, drop your email into the slot on the link above.

Feedback welcome…

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5 thoughts on “Our Ads Move Out to the Wild

  1. It could just be my monumentally bad spelling/grammar etc, but i’ll certainly take a look at it to check.


  2. Book navigation is for things like the metrics/pff handbooks, its a drupal thing

  3. That last hint is valuable 🙂

    Just make sure to publish a note if you add new features to that block which must be tested.

    BTW: What is ‘book navigation’?

  4. By the way, i’d forgotten to mention that you can turn that block off if you would rather it not be there — just go to your profile page.

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