The Blog: Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows
This blog was started as a Performancing experiment to raise money for charity. We only sold about 85 books (not bad, but not great) which didn’t even cover expenses.
We’re putting the site up for auction in order to raise some money for a great literacy charity. Because of this, the starting bid is $1000.
Top of page 2 in Google for a search on the book (and forthcoming movie) title. At one point it was in position 5 on the front page. With a little SEO TLC, you can get it right back into that position.
There’s a killer marketing opportunity here for the person who wants to jump in and build a strong Harry Potter related site and capitalize on the movie release in a few years. If you work at it, it should not be hard at all to build the site into a strong HP community that’s thriving within a few months.
Homepage – PageRank 4
Internal – PageRank 3/4
Backlinks to Homepage: 3,938
Backlinks to the domain: 24,166
(these numbers are quite inflated in Yahoo because most of the Performancing backlinks are no longer in place – still, there’s a nice strong set of diverse backlinks)
Starting Bid: $1000
All proceeds to go to charity.