Get Interviewed By Performancing

One of the best ways to gain friends, get exposure and perform your networking duties for the week is to get interviewed by other bloggers.

Since Performancing is all about helping bloggers succeed, we’re going to help you get exposure for your blog by offering you the chance to get interviewed by Performancing.

All you have to do is leave the URL to your blog in our comment section. And if we like your blog enough, we’ll ask you for an interview. It’s that simple.

60 thoughts on “Get Interviewed By Performancing

  1. Ok. I’m closing this thread off at 60 comments.

    We’ll get started with the interviews this week. This process might take quite a while though;-)

  2. …but if that doesn’t intrigue you, then maybe website freelancing will. I’m over at Wake Up Later.

  3. I currently blog about online community building, new media, politics, culture, and religion at

    I’m a blogger who just went pro this last week, which I’m very excited about.
    I will be blogging for a productivity firm near DC, Set Consulting at
    If you want to interview myself or Jared Goralnick, who currently developing a productivity app that
    would be sweet.

    Keep on rock’n!

  4. ..and fellow interview addict.

    With my online writing project Serial Consign I’m trying to bridge the gap between what some folks might consider to be distinct niches. I regularly write about art and design, social media and broader digital culture.

  5. Want to interview a different kind of blogger–a pastor in the S.F. Bay Area who blogs regularly about Jesus and culture? If so, I’m in.

    Justin Buzzard

  6. I write about using improv in everyday life at Topics include social relationships, status, accepting new events in life, and more things to improve living!

  7. For those that haven’t been to my site yet, I guarantee you’ll like what you will see when you take a visit. First of all, my name is Sly and I am currently the featured blogger on MyBlogLog. On Slyvisions dot Com, you will find great high-quality tips and tricks on just about anything: blogging, internet marketing, SEO, making money online, tech, and more.

    Being already a featured member on MyBlogLog, it would be really nice to get featured here on one of the best blogs on the internet. It’s never enough to get exposure, especially for a blog like mine.

    Sly from Slyvisions dot Com

  8. What a nifty idea!

    My blog is about helping regular people get rid of clutter and the problems it causes.

    I’d love to be interviewed, but I’m sure no matter who you choose it will be a very interesting read!

  9. before you visit, i’ll like to save you some time. this is how we define our weblog-goals: is a weblog about free mp3 music culture. Our magazine offers you free music to download from netlabels and musicians all over the globe. We pick the finest songs and digg the fattest grooves out of terrabytes of music released under a creative commons licence. Listen to our podcast, have a look into our mp3-archive of free music and read our portraits of amazing netlabels and musicians.

    Currently we are collecting and publishing free music charts from bloggers, netlabel-heads and musiclovers all over the globe.

  10. Hi Ryan,

    Sure, you could profile the same old blogs that’re being discussed at Problogger, Doshdosh, Daily blog tips, and all the rest.

    But that would eliminate you considering

    Your readers might appreciate you going against type!

    However you play it, keep up the great work you’re doing at Performancing.

    Dave Tabler

  11. You’re right.

    That was a really cheesy way to try to get attention.

    I promise that if you do the interview, I will include two out of the three.

    Nice idea, congrats on all the responses. . .

    Steve Roesler

  12. Hi—Ryan:

    I’m glad i subscribed, otherwise i would have missed this. I have been blogging since July 2007 on Groovy Vegetarian………and would LOVE an interview.

    What kind of interview and when is it set for?

  13. Been years since I was interviewed last time; that was in connection with a game I did for GameBoy Color.

    I would be very interesting in an interview, so I hereby sign up. Blog is:

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