Some time ago, Jonathan wrote about a blogging pitfall: the failure to back up your blog. He made a very strong case for taking the time and effort to regularly back up your blog. Along the same lines, I share with you a very useful back up tool: BackupBuddy.
In a nutshell, BackupBuddy is more than a backup tool. In addition to backing up, it also offers restore and migration options. The service has been around for a while now, but the recent addition of the ability to back up to Amazon’s S3 data center service makes this an even more viable option because you can store your files off site. In the event that your hard drive or server crashes, your files will be safe in another location – S3. You still have the option to back up all your blog’s data – including media and themes – locally and via FTP, but this additional option does offer more advantages. More so, you can schedule your back ups in advance in case you have memory issues and do not remember to back up regularly!
As for the restore option, you can easily do this within minutes. You do not have to worry about having your site down for hours on end and losing out on potential revenue. If you find yourself facing the need to migrate, you can work on development in one server and then launch on a different server – within minutes as well.
If you want to know more about what BackupBuddy can do for you and how to use it, watch the videos below.
BackupBuddy Overview from on Vimeo.
This is how you back up your WordPress blog without breaking a sweat.
How to Backup WordPress from on Vimeo.