The following question was sent in by a reader of Performancing:
Could you write a blog post about how to get more people to comment on blog posts?
No problem! Numerous people have asked this question as my personal blog as well as Performancing and everywhere else I write seems to generate comments. I’ll share my technique and explain why I use it and then point you to some articles previous authors of Performancing have written in the past that cover this topic exclusively.
The Beginning
Getting people to comment on your blog post starts at the beginning. This means your post title. Generally, forming your post title into a question is enough for some people to go straight to your comment form, completely bypassing the content simply to answer the question.
The Content
While being an authoritative figure is good in some respects, providing the answers to everyones questions within your content is a great way to deter comments. Unless of course, your readership loves to disagree with you. What I like to do is write my content in an open ended way. I leave room for readers to chime in and to share their thoughts.
The Ending
At the end of every post I write, I do my best to ask a few questions near the end. You may be wondering whats up with asking all of these questions? Each question you ask is a reason to comment. This particular tactic has worked very well for me, especially when the question asks for opinions or thoughts on a particular item within the content.
These three tactics have all worked very well for me. It is very hard for anyone to interact with someone else when there are no questions involved. Questions are usually starting points for conversations.
Other Resources
Over the course of three years, Performancing has covered this topic a few times. Here are some classics from the Archive.
Chris Garret – 10 Tips for Attracting More Comments
Chris McLeod – Getting People to Comment on Your New Blog
Do you have any advice you could give this reader to help him get more comments on his blog?