Lorelle Van Fossen over at the BlogHerald asks, “What Fuels Your Blog“?
There are a few things which keep me blogging. The first is, having my say. I use my blog as a soapbox as well as a conversation starter. Blogs give everyone a unique voice and despite the noise that is generated on an hourly basis in the blogosphere, it’s great to have a place to openly share thoughts and ideas.
The second thing that fuels me are the comments. I love receiving comments which add on to something I started. I love getting involved in conversations centered around a particular post because I never know where I’ll end up when the conversation ends. It’s like a continuation of education.
The third thing that fuels me is community. I am big into community and I love the community atmosphere. I have this drive within me to either create a passionate community or be a leader within an existing community. Communities are places where I can get along with most other people, agree to disagree, and call a home away from home. Communities are special places which are painstakingly hard to create which is why I place so much value into them in the first place.
So, those are three things which fuel my blog/blogging. Why not share with us what fuels your blogging?