WhyNotAd.com is an online advertising service which allows user’s to register with the site and place their own ads for free. You can upload practically anything you want such as ads, advertising, classifieds, news, brands, sell stuff, buy stuff, personals, press releases, events, functions, and photos. According to the developers of WhyNotAd, they have created the site in such a way that ads placed on the site are programmed to be direct hits with major search engines.
After registering an account with the site, you’ll be presented with the option to invite friends. This seems to be the typical sign up form for most websites these days. If you don’t have any friends or do not wish to invite them during the registration process, WhyNotAd does provides a method of skipping that action. Once you’ve made your way through the sign up form, you’ll be greeted with a different form in which you will need to fill out to add your advertisement to the site.
Here is what the basic outline of the form looks like.
- Classification: You can choose either Business, Personal or Both.
- Ad Title – no website names or symbols allowed
- Business Category
- Personal Category
- Business And Personal
- Upload an image – You can upload only .jpg, .jpeg, .png or .gif files.
- Add an image via a URL
- Body Description – This is where you would place the text related you the add. You would also place contact information within this spot as well.
After you have configured your ad, click on the Add Advert button. This will create and then add your advertisement to the website. If you would like to see the example I created for this post, you can check out my Jeffro2pt0 Ad. This will give you a sense in how your ad will look within the site. User’s of WhyNotAd can then rank your ad on a scale of 1-10, they can share the ad with friends, bookmark the ad or flag it as inappropriate.
Unfortunately, I did not find a way to go back and edit your ad if you end up discovering a mistake. In fact, after you publish your ad, there is not much else you can do with it. It would of been nice if WhyNotAd gave you the ability to edit ads after the fact or at least provided a certain amount of time for editing to take place. I would of also like to have seen an option to delete the ad.
All in all, I’m not sure how well this will work for you in terms of receiving search engine traffic or organic traffic, but it does provide another easy way to advertise your site and since you have full control over the ad, you can add your link or links to the post which is one more unique link back to your blog.