If you are a blogger, you would have heard many bloggers saying “Write, write and keep writing”. If not, you hear it from me today. You have to write everyday to develop your skills. Especially if you are a blogger, you really need to write everyday. Though many bloggers don’t do it everyday, most of the successful bloggers have followed it and advice others to follow it. If you are wondering why you should write, here are some reasons:
Why Should You Write?
Writing everyday helps you to think more. It will be tough for you to blog everyday, but once you start doing it continuously, you will find it more comfortable. You will be able to write articles of 750+ words everyday. After a month of practice, you will be able to write two or even three posts a day. If you are trying to become a freelance writer or a blogger who wish to own many blogs and write there everyday, this type of practice will be helpful. Most probably you won’t be able to write articles of 750+ words everyday, but you will be able to do it in few days with practice.It is said:
“Practice Makes A Man Perfect”
What You Should Write?
When it comes to writing content everyday, you feel you don’t have anything to blog about for that day. On those days, browse forums for new topic ideas. You can write for magazines or write press releases at these times. Better, select a product in your niche and write a review about it. Even after trying all these if you don’t have anything to write, then take a paper or open a word document and start writing scrap. Write what you know, write what you don’t know and write what you wish to know. Just write some crap. But don’t post it in your blog.
If you can write something of 750+ words everyday, then you can consider yourself a “half writer”. Practice, practice and practice. Once you are able to write one post of 750+ words everyday, expand your goal to 1500+ words/post or two posts of 750+ words. So stop checking your blog’s stats every now and then and start writing.