Last month, Splashpress Media (the parent outfit of Performancing) revealed a re-energized While Performancing is the place to go for your regular dose of professional/advanced blogging tips, Blog-Tutorials takes us back to the basics. Definitely useful for beginners; that’s not to say that veterans won’t pick up new things from the blog!
Here’s an appetizer of some sorts, a quick list of several Blog-Tutorials posts that you might find helpful:
- Make Yourself Found! (Or, Promote Your Site Web 2.0-Style) — “The idea: step out of your blogging space and find sites that let you link to your blog, posts and all. Consider this a very natural way of optimizing your online presence and socializing around the Web.”
- Two Design Tactics To Improve Your Blog Income — “What’s the workaround? One way is to use Google’s own image ads beside beside text ads. For instance, you can use Google’s Firefox Ad beside Google text ads as follows…”
- When Not to Blog, Part 1 & Part 2 — “Breathe first before you write. You might be aiming to be the first to get the story out, but really, what are the chances of that happening if it’s a popular event?…Better to come up with an excellent and complete post. Remember, the excitement over the event will not die down for the next few days and people will still be on the lookout for posts, so you can afford to trade 1-2 hours for a comprehensive article.”
- Make Your Blog Posts Readable — “The key idea here is to divide your paragraphs and sentences into easily digestible chunks. Second, HTML is your friend: I’ll be mentioning several tags you can put to good use.”
- Protect Important Folders in your Blog — “Here’s how it works: we should not allow sensitive directories on our blogs to list their contents publicly. We do not want malicious visitors getting any hints on how they can compromise our websites. We should not let search engines list irrelevant folders in their results.”