Hack One: Using the Compose Post tab to copy styles
One of the things I love most about TypePad’s compose window is the ability to cut and paste text or images from other sites and maintain the formatting. The most useful aspect of this is that it often allows me to figure out how something is formatted without having to scroll endlessly through the source code for a page. It’s also a time saver… Say I want to center an image— there’s no easy way to do that without using CSS code in the edit HTML tab. Not a big deal, but I use TypePad largely so I can avoid writing HTML. So if I cut and paste a centered image from an earlier post into the compose window, then I can just replace the copied image with the new one I want and save the trouble.
I frequently use the compose window as a way to copy styles… I’ll paste into the "compose post" window, then copy the HTML from the "edit HTML" window when I want to easily use styles in another web document. It’s also a great way to format links without having to manually link to pages. Again, just a little bit of a time saver, but useful.
Hack Two: Adding new Typelists to Advanced Templates the easy way
Using the above trick, I discovered a neat little hack the other day, purely by accident. I was putting together a list of links for another site, and copied one of my typelists into the Compose Post window to save the trouble of formatting the links. I also copied the title of the Typelist… When I went into the Edit HTML tab, I discovered that the tag for Typelist titles is:
<h2 class="module-header">Participate</h2>
When you view it in the Compose Post window, it looks like this:
But when you use it in the body of a Typelist, it creates a heading that looks as though you’ve added a new Typelist.
Why is this a big deal? Well, one of the big complaints about Typelists is the difficulty of adding new Typelists to a blog that uses advanced templates. It’s easy to modify existing Typelists, but not always so easy to find the right file name to add a new one to your template. Now you don’t have to. I don’t know about you, but this is gonna make my life much easier!