WordPress 2.6 Has Been Released

As James mentioned just a few hours ago, the release of WordPress 2.6 appeared to be imminent. As I’ve just discovered, the dev team has released WordPress version 2.6 to the public. James has already covered the new features found within this new major release but Matt Mullenweg has published a video guided tour of the new version.

I’ve already upgraded my blog from WordPress 2.5.1 to 2.6 and didn’t encounter any problems. With the new post revision system, how long do you think it will be before a cool Wiki type plugin emerges, which makes extensive use of the revision feature inside 2.6?

2 thoughts on “WordPress 2.6 Has Been Released

  1. Good advice. I am monitoring the forum as well as the various mailing lists and it’s true that some folks are having some real issues with 2.6. Mainly with logging into their administration panel with FireFox 3.0.1. If only the same amount of people participated in beta testing 2.6 that actually use the stable released version, all of these issues might of been found before hand.

  2. I just blogged about this on my own website. I am warning users about possible problems that they might encounter after upgrading.

    While the never WordPress version has some pretty exciting features, it appears that this release is quite reminiscent of the release of 2.5. If you take a look at the support forums, many users are having major problems, and we’re not even talking about plugin compatibility issues. I don’t even want to hear about those! So, I too am advocating that users wait for a few days until more is known about this release.

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