For a future release of Performancing Firefox we’ve been discussing pings. Thing is, I don’t particularly rate this method of alerting services to a new post, so don’t really have much clue as to what servers/services we should support. I know a lot of you guys use them so thought I’d ask for a little help.
What are the main ping services you’d like to see PFF support?
????? ??? –
????? ?????? –
??? ??????? –
??? ????? –
??? ?????? – (Multi Ping)
This is a multi ping URI! I would not recommend to use this in an automated environment because it might lead to a blocking of the source IP at the target destinations if used too often/frequently. Instead I would bookmark the filled out AND activated ping-o-matic form with a keyword and load that page manually once at the end of the day. This can very easily be done in FF with a bookmark keyword for your specific site. Check the FF properties for that bookmark and add a keyword like ‘pingo’ which will call the bookmarked page with all the preferences you set in the ping-o-matic form.
Raj, thanks for the list!
May I add a nice link to a list of 56 such URIs i just stumbled upon. It’s at titled a-list-of-rpc-and-rpc2-to-ping.
Joche, maybe you can add the ping URIs you mentioned?
If somebody else could add local or national URIs to the comment list we can build up a nice list.
REVISION: Here’s the list. I’ve pulled the blog post.
I don’t know how it’s done on other blogging platforms, but for WordPress, go to your control panel, click on Options, then Writing. Go to the bottom of the page where it says “Update Services”, then replace the existing “pingomatic” URL with the above list (one URL per line).
Raj, you are always welcome 🙂
I didn’t know that that link is soooo official 🙂
I just saw it and thought it might be useful for some more technical explanation for all the geeky guys who always ask what’s behind all that buzz.
Sorry, Markus. I was trying to put together a small article about pinging, so I wanted to study the XML-RPC spec. It’s coming
By the way, that link you posted points to the official RSS spec. As Dave Winer put it (paraphrasing), he turned over the care of the spec to a neutral party (Harvard).
Of course I wanted to post that link. No idea what happened to the ‘doing of it’ 🙂
Sorry for that glitch!
Reminder: Raj, I am still waiting for your list …
Markus, excellent idea. I’ll do that either tonight or tomorrow. BTW, why don’t you post that link? (I’m planning a series of posts on the value of RSS/ Atom web feeds for next month here.)
Raj, can you post that list?
Maybe a nice little front page article about it?
I have just installed a LifeType blog and would be happy to have such a list without researching all the RSS aggregators.
BTW, I found a pretty nice technical RSS specification. It’s a good link addition to the old ‘What is RSS?’ link … which you should have always on your page (Well, a typical To-Do 🙂
Yeah, pingoat now has hundreds of splogs. It’s unfortunate, because it was such a great tool. I’ve communicated with Kailash a few times, and he seems like a rather honest young man. But now that he’s just entered college in England, I doubt he’ll have time to maintain it properly.
I’ve recently set up 4 WordPress blogs, with another 5 for myself and other people in the works. (I gave up on Drupal because my host provider won’t give me the necessary mySQL privileges without my paying 10 times the monthly hosting cost). What I’ve done is entered a list of XML-RPC based ping URLs under the “Options/ Writing” section.
What happens is that whenever you add or update a post, WordPress goes through the ping URL list and notifies the appropriate blog directories/ engines. It’s like having your own pingoat or pingomatic.