Performancing Releases the College Theme for WordPress

It’s a new year and Performancing is excited to get things kickstarted with another free WordPress Theme. Developed by our friends at Design Disease, and available for free download, the College Theme is a two-column theme with sleek, rounded corners and a stylish 7+ color palette.

The College Theme for WordPress would work well for about any blogging application. I can see it being used for a range of projects including music, health, web 2.0, and a whole host of other topics.

This is one of our best themes yet, and we hope you enjoy it!

Click here to download a Zipped version of the College Theme.
Click here for a live preview of the College Theme.
Click here for WordPress theme support.

2 thoughts on “Performancing Releases the College Theme for WordPress

  1. “The College Theme for WordPress would work well for about any blogging application. I can see it being used for a range of projects including music, health, web 2.0, and a whole host of other topics”

    I think it’s versatile because it’s simple and clean. It’s hard to find themes that aren’t cluttered with so many things. The less distractions, the easier the information is to find.

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