The DrudgeReport has been assigned a PageRank of 6 in the latest PR toolbar rollout. Performancing has a PageRank of 7. According to an official at Google (we’ll call him Tim “the toolbar” Thomas for the sake of confidentiality), “PageRank is Google’s measure of the importance of [a website].”
According to Google, is more important than
Congratulations Performancing staff. Job well done;-) The most powerful company in the world has spoken, and you’ve come out on top!
That’s fantastic! You guys are going to get even better search results’ positions in the years to go… Anyway, your site is providing good contents! Keep it up and going!
Yeah, congratulations guys. We’re trying not to obsess about PR here, although there doesn’t seem to have been much change so far on any of our sites. Ah well.
Ryan: yes, but it’s nice anyway, no matter how iffy PR is these days
Google PR; accurate or not, important or not…big heaps of congratulations(!) anyway. I may be the quietest member of this strangely named organization but for 1 year and some odd months I’ve been watching one of my very favorite blogger-helping type sites reach the top, crash to the bottom and reach the top again. I guess I can now say that Performancing as a whole can be called a “well blooded” bunch without a single doubt to be had.
Good job folks and many more years to ya’!
Oh, and I kept the PR 5 that I earned earlier in the year which just goes to show you how shaky indeed the Google PR algorithms really are. 😀
Raj, you realize I say this all tongue in cheek. It’s more a mockery of PageRank than anything else! Drudge is still the most influential person in the Western news cycle. Performancing, as good as we are getting, influences about 1/1,000,000,000 of the people that Drudge influences.
So in terms of importance…the PageRank metric is total baloney.
I saw the Pmetrics PR6 yesterday, so the rollout has begun. Obsession, obsession. Excuse me while I check the metric I hate so much.
In my view this is evidence that Google is penalizing sites that only get links to their main page. In the case of Drudge, that’s pretty much the only place that someone *can* link to.