You may remember that back in March of this year, Performancing had a podcast named Perfcast. This podcast was hosted by Chris Garret with three episodes ending up being produced. Since March, the podcast has laid dorment due to time constraints and other activities getting in the way. I’m happy to announce that Perfcast will be coming back starting on Wednesday, August 27th at 7P.M. EST.
The show will be hosted by Jeff Chandler with David Peralty of as co-host. For now, we will be using as the platform of choice to perform the show live where you’ll be able to chat with us as we record the show. Talkshoe also provides the means necessary to call into the show as we are recording so that you can chime in with your opinions, your tips, or your contributions. Think of it as a combination between podcasting and talk radio.
In the coming days, I’ll provide you with more details on how to interact with the show using Talkshoe. Until then, please register an account with and click on the Follow This button so that you’ll be reminded via email when new episodes will air.
David and I are really looking forward to producing this show. As for what Perfcast will be about, consider it the podcast that is all about blogging. Each week David and I will either be covering the news in the blogosphere, discussing topics related to blogging, conducting interviews with successful bloggers or interacting with the community. At the end of each show, we will be announcing a blogging job of the week as well as a blogging challenge.
Hope to you see there during our first live recording!
No BlogTalkRadio? I’ll listen in. Good luck and have fun with it?
Hey pholpher, thanks for marking the date down on your calendar. Feel free to stop by and call into the show. I know you are a writer for Performancing so perhaps we can get you on the show to discuss marketing or SEO
That’s pretty cool that you will be podcasting live. I’ve put the date on my calendar and look forward to listening.