Perfcast Episode 16 – Managing More Than Forums With Patrick O’ Keefe

Patrick O’ Keefe, author of Managing Online Forums was our special one hour guest. In this episode we discussed a wide variety of topics related to managing forums such as:

  • A short checklist of things to consider before even thinking about starting a forum.
  • Describing the difference between managing a forum and managing a blog
  • How can one extend the skills they learn from managing forums to entire online communities
  • What do you think of gated communities like Hive or my own Branding David Members area
  • You are selling one of your blogs, what do you think of people selling “communities”
  • Should every major blog or site have a forum for community interaction
  • What is your best advice for someone who has set up a forum, but it hasn’t become a community

Those topics are just the tip of the iceberg! We also had quite a chatty bunch with us in the live chat room which was awesome to see. They provided us with a couple of great questions that Patrick had no problem answering. Although we simply couldn’t discuss everything we wanted to within a 60 minute time period, Patrick will definitely be on the show in 2009 to provide even more insight into the realm of forums and online communities.

ANNOUNCEMENTS: Jonathan Bailey Of PlagiarismToday to discuss content theft as well as his blogging career thus far

BLOGGING JOB OF THE WEEK: b5Media looking for bloggers who can write about Cars, Men’s Fitness, Cigars and Liquor and other manly topics. –

LENGTH OF EPISODE – 1 Hour 16 Minutes

NEXT EPISODE – December 18th, 2008 at 7 P.M. EST

ITUNES – Click here to subscribe to the show via iTunes

DOWNLOAD THE SHOW: PerfcastEpisode16.mp3


2 thoughts on “Perfcast Episode 16 – Managing More Than Forums With Patrick O’ Keefe

  1. Great interview! I loved hearing Patricks reply to the questions comparing blogs to forums.

    I’m not sure being nominated for awards is a sign you know what you are talking about though as somehow I got nominated for the ‘Blogger of the year award’!

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