Make a New Friend Every Day: The other key to success?

If you participated in the Performancing Treasure Hunt, then you know that the answer was: “Make a new friend every day”

At Performancing, we really believe that this is one of the keys to online success. Reach out, make friends, exchange favors, network…on a daily basis. Sure, you need the right idea, but unless people know about it…your idea ain’t going nowhere.

Networking is easy. Unfortunately, there are two major obstacles that most people encounter at one point or another:

1. The Newbie Mistake

The newbie mistake is to NOT contact people like me, due to fear. Get over it. Contact me. Let me know what you want. But first, let me know what you can offer;-)

2. The Expert Mistake

The expert mistake is to grow complacent with your current network. Sure, you’re successful. But networks are dynamic. All you 26-30 year olds -> you aren’t the energetic younguns you used to be. Make friends with the guys and gals who are taking your place…and in doing so you’ll be reinforcing your network.

Success comes from people. The more people you know, the more people you can reach. So start making friends…a new one every day, for that matter.

11 thoughts on “Make a New Friend Every Day: The other key to success?

  1. So it looks like the moral of this story is…

    26-30 is still young. Don’t fret young Ryan…old you will get, but old you are not yet.

    (btw, I do apologize for implying that 26+ is old…but what I really meant was -> 26+ is no longer full of unbridled, exuberant, conquer-the-world energy. but like Roger Clemens, we can compensate for our lack of youth and use our wise minds instead.)


  2. *contacting Ryan now*

    Just kidding 😉 Making a new friend everyday is great advice. If only I could make it happen. There are times when all the strength I have is only good enough to get through the day’s work. Yes, I know, I sound a like an old woman. Haha~ I should start acting more my age.

  3. I’d say more importantly than business success, having friends is what makes people happy. I was listening to a sociologist who studied human happiness talk about this subject. He said that after you get out of poverty, money was a horrible way to get more happy, but having friends and spending time with family were great ways.

  4. Haha. Ryan “the spam bot” Caldwell at your service.

    Seriously though, don’t those Digg Requests come with opt-out messages;-)

  5. Yeah Ryan, please stop it with all those digg request emails.

    Why don’t you ask us how we’re doing instead?

    just j/k You can keep spamming me if you want. ahah

  6. At 33 I still consider myself young but actually looking around it seems that everyone has more energy to spare than I do 😉

    Networking is absolutely critical. Some people are naturals at it, others have to work at it, others have to work on the courage (I am in the latter category) but I think it is the most valuable lesson any of us can learn and cultivate

  7. That’s DEFINITELY true! And, it never hurts to ask – even if you don’t have something to offer so, I wouldn’t go crazy trying to kiss someone’s feet who will only listen or respond to you if you offer something in return. If other bloggers, even the big shots, are reluctant to talk to you or help you with any of your questions or concerns – they are not “big shots” in my mind, but more or less “big pains in the butt”.

    Unortunately, welcome to “Real.World.101” and you probably will go farther when you do have something to offer, like Ryan says. Generally, the big shots will still listen to you and can be part of your new social network – but it could mean the difference of being included in the big shot’s existing social network. (linking, occassional link love, etc). But that’s like with everything you do in real life. With professionals you pay one way or another.

    The question then becomes – what can you really offer other people? For myself .. I’m looking for content, and have a lot of sites. That gives me experience and I’ve also been online since 1995 and I think I have some social skills. That doesn’t sound like much but I’m always one to ask questions and leave my 2 cents worth if I can. In MyBlogLog and BlogCatalog (username PetLvr) you can see all of my friends. I only add people after they add me. I must be doing something right! 😀 ..

    Just remember that ‘big shots’, and the ‘little people’ all hate spam as much as the next guy. Don’t spam your friends – talk to them.

    And .. 26-30 years geeesh. I was born in the year they (disclaimer: somebody) gunned down a President. I guess I should be receiving pension by now .. being the oldtimer that I am.

  8. Ryan, this business has a lot to do with who you know. As I became more comfortable with blogging and the blogging community I found myself surprised by how willing even some of the biggest probloggers were to share their insight and advice. Not one person I approached with a question told me to get lost – and I was plenty intimidated too.

    It may take a couple of days but I answer all my email, and if I don’t know the answer I find someone else who does. Every blogger I’ve contacted with a question has always taken the time out to respond – and many of them are now good friends and colleagues.

    Do yourself a favor and take Ryan’s advice. You’ll be pleasantly surprised too.

    @pholpher – Think of how I feel as a 40-something blogger. ; )

  9. It’s funny that 26 through 30 is old in online business. As a 28 year old, you’re making me feel old 😉

    Good point, though. It always good to have younger people with new, upcoming sites in your network. The internet is so dynamic. In one of the niches I follow, many of the top blogs are less than a year old.

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